Chapter 5 - Yami's vision

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Yami and Yugi made all the way upstairs to the fifth floor where Yami's office was.

"That was cool, Mr. Yoshino was pretty scared of you when you stood up for me." Yugi said.

"If I hadn't stood up for you, Yoshino would walk all over you, like he did to some of the employees. That's why some of them quit working here because of him and because I didn't fire him from the get go." Yami said as he leaned his cheek on his hand and his eyes closed.

"Why didn't you?" Yugi asked.

"It's not that easy firing someone who has been working here for a long time." Yami said.

"But he mistreated everyone, including the employees." Yugi said.

"Don't worry, I demoted him to waiting tables at the Marriott's dining area, so he can either suck it up or quit, which I don't care, I was going to fire him anyway." Yami said.

"So the reason why you demoted him to take my prosition as a waiter is to make him want to quit?" Yugi asked.

"Hmm." Yami hummed softly as he nodded his head.

"That's pretty cold, but you're the boss, so I don't have any say in this. Besides, it's not like I'm defending Mr. Yoshino anyway, not after how he treated me for the pass three weeks I've been working here." Yugi said as he looked at his lap.

Yami noticed the sad look on Yugi's face as he got from his desk and walked over towards him as he kneeled down to him.

"Again, I'm sorry for his attitude earlier, he never treated you so rude just because you work for me in my hotel and he had a right to treat you like trash, you don't deserve that from him or anyone." Yami said.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologize to me on his behalf." Yugi said.

"I have to, you don't have to be pushed around by him because you work for me. I rather treat you like a friend than an employee." Yami said.

"But if you're treating me like a friend rather than an employee, I wouldn't be working here for you." Yugi said.

"And you don't have to, I'll pay you right now if I have to." Yami said.

"I'm sorry but I don't accept money from friends, especially when that "friend" happens to be my boss." Yugi said as he got up the chair and ran towards the door, leaving Yami... chasing after him.

Yugi ran towards the elevator with Yami hot on his tail.

"Yugi, wait! Come back!" Yami shouted.

It was too late, Yugi got inside the elevator, leaving Yami frustrated.

"Ra!" He said.

Then he saw the door that leads all the way downstairs to the lobby.

"Might as well." Yami said as he ran towards the door and all the way downstairs.

Then he got the thinking, "I hope I can stop him before he leaves."

Yugi made it all the way down to the lobby and ran out of the Marriott, Akira happened to see him leave.

"Mr. Moto, where are you going?!" He asked.

Yugi looked behind himself to see if Yami was right behind him, he realized one thing...he was still in his waiter uniform.

"Oh darn! I forgot I'm in my uniform." He said to himself as he ran back inside the Marriott, ran towards the dining area passing Yami who just made it downstairs, ran towards the changing room and was bumped by jealous Yoshino.

Yugi looked up and saw how angry he was.

"You little piss ant! It's your fault that I got demoted to do this job!" Yoshino said as he grabbed Yugi by the shirt and picked him up off the floor.

"Mr. Yoshino... I'm sorry... please, put me down." He pleaded.

"The last thing I want is to let you slide, now you're going to pay." Yoshino said as he was about to throw poor little Yugi across the dining area.

But luckily, Yami came just in time.

Thank God!

"Put him down Yoshino!" He shouted.

Yoshino looked over at the entrance and saw his boss standing there in rage.

"Mr. Sennen, why are you protecting this poor boy? He's an employee." Yoshino said.

"Still, he's a human being just everyone else, he deserves to be treated with respect." Yami said as he walked up to him and grabbed Yugi from his grip.

"Mr. Sennen, it's his fault that I got demoted to waiting tables." Yoshino said.

"Yeah, so what!" Yami said.

"And you're okay with that?" Yoshino asked.

"It's people like you who deserve to be demoted for treating everyone like crap." Yami said.

"But Mr. Sennen, this is a place of business, not a place to make friends." Yoshino protested.

"It's a place of business where everybody can make friends while working together." Yami said as he started to grow angry.

"Mr. Sennen..." Yoshino was cut off.


Yoshino was at a loss for words when his boss said that to him.

Without another word, Yoshino walked out of the dining area, leaving Yugi and everyone else in total shock, including Ironheart, the bartender and the barmaid.

As the sun set, Yami took Yugi back to Naga 16.

"We haven't seen the last of him." Yami said as he looked through the glass door.

"What are you saying Yami?" Yugi asked.

Then Yami started having visions that Yoshino will come to Naga 16 and kill Yugi.

"Yami, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yugi, I need you to listen to me, this apartment building is not for you." Yami said.

"What do you mean?" Yugi asked.

"It's not safe for you to live here, I need you to pack your bags and leave Naga 16 immediately." Yami said.

"Why?" Yugi asked.

"Because Yoshino will come here and kill you, I need you to pack your bags and come with me, You're going to be staying with me at my mansion." Yami said.

"Okay." Yugi said.

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