Final chapter- Living in the good life

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This is y'all, the final chapter of The love of the Naga master and the Pure hearted Angel.

I want to thank you all for reading, voting and commenting on it.

Previously on The love of the Naga Master and the Pure Hearted Angel.

I didn't stop to think what could've happened if word gets out that we are living together, because I didn't think it matters so much." Yami said.

"Why?" Yugi asked.

"Because, everybody knows me, they know who I am and they would know that I'm seen with you, which I'm sure word has already been out to the world, so nothing is happening." Yami said.

"So you just now realizing that, just like you realized Mr. Yoshino was spying on us, watching our every moves and had Awai involved." Yugi said as he started to get angry.

"There's a lot of things that I realized, everything I did was to protect you, I wasn't trying to put you in danger or have you be humiliated, I want to love you and protect you, even if it means losing everything I owns, I will continue to love you and protect you, whatever it takes for me to get you to stay with me. If I have to beg you to marry me, then that's what I'll do." Yami said.

"Yami." Yugi said.

"Please Yugi, please stay and marry me." Yami said as he pleased with him.

"I love you Yami, but I can't marry you, I'm sorry." Yugi said as he picked up suit case and left the apartment, leaving Yami alone and disappointed.


After Yugi turned him down, Yami felt defeated as he thought he could convince him to stay in Tokyo but it wasn't enough.

He closed down the Naga cafe due to Yoshino killing one of the employees.

Then two weeks later, Yami got permission from his employee's family members to arrange a memorial for him and had everybody including his family, his friends and his co-workers to attend to it.

"We gathered here today to celebrate the life and legacy of Jon Karoda as we stand here today to bid him farewell." Yami said.

The memorial went on for hours until the afternoon.

After it was over, Yami was still at a loss, as he couldn't get over his break up with Yugi.

"Yugi, I'm not giving up on you. Mark my word, I won't rest until I get you to change your mind. Even if it means I have to come to Domino to be with you and that's exactly what I'll do." Yami said as he swore to win Yugi back.

Well, speaking of Yugi, he made it to Domino safe and sound as he started hanging out with his friends, Tristan Duke and Teà all afternoon, he even met with Kaiba and Mokuba the next day at a bar.

"So Yugi, what's it like living in Tokyo?" Kaiba asked.

"It's like being born and raised, I experienced a lot there." Yugi said.

"Did you get to meet Yami Sennen?" Kaiba asked.

"Uh, yeah I did. Why'd you asked?" Yugi asked.

"Because I heard through the grapevine that both of you were living together." Kaiba said.

When he said that, Yugi's whole body frozed as he started to remember what Yami said about the word getting out about them together.

"I didn't stop to think what could've happened if word gets out that we are living together, because I didn't think it matters so much. Because, everybody knows me, they know who I am and they would know that I'm seen with you, which I'm sure word has already been out to the world, so nothing is happening."

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