Chapter Nineteen

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In just one month things between Alex and I had progressed perfectly. I feel like the night Alex and I were going to talk about things we were going to move in the right direction, but maybe Camille yelling at us did help open our eyes just a bit, as well.

Alex spent the majority of his time at my apartment and was in the process of moving in with me. We went back and forth on whether he should move in with me or me move in with him, but I'm not sure, I think maybe that damn window was what decided it for us.

Camille and Chance were on board with him moving in with me, too, probably because we would all be neighbors.

Just as Alex and I had finished moving the last of his things into the apartment I got a text from Camille for us to meet her at the bar and grille.

"We can just finish later," I told Alex as I opened the last of his boxes. "She sounded like it was really important."

"Okay," he said and grabbed my hand. "Let's go."

When we made it to the bar and grille it was around seven. I had no idea what could possibly be going on that was so important but when we walked in Camille, Chance, and Jax were sitting at a table together, and some girl was sitting with them.

"Hey," I said as I sat down beside Camille.

Alex and Jax greeted each other. They had talked and were getting a long a lot better, Alex realizing he had no reason to be jealous of him. Though I think the night we told each other we loved each other helped him come to the realization that I wanted no one but him.

"Emma, Alex," Jax began as he took this random girls hand. "This is Aria, my girlfriend."

A smile spread across my face. "It's so nice to meet you!" I'd been waiting since the day Jax and I had a talk at The Coffee Press to meet the girl who stole his heart. She was beautiful; long wavy brown hair and dark brown eyes but they seemed to draw you in despite how dark they were, and she had such an inviting friendly smile.

"It's nice to meet you, too." She smiled. "Finally."

We all spent the next twenty minutes talking and getting lost in random conversation. For awhile I forgot that Camille had a reason for wanting us to come.

"Oh, Camille. What was the reason you wanted us to come down here?"

"Oh, right," she said like it had slipped her mind. She grabbed Chance's hand. "Chance and I have something to share with you all." She lifted her hand from under the table. "We're getting married!"

"Oh my gosh!" I grabbed her hand and studied the ring. "It's beautiful." I let go of her hand and looked between the two of them. "Guys this is so exciting! I'm so happy for you both!"

"Congrats, man," Alex said giving Chance a pat on the back, and then turned to Camille. "Congrats to you. At least we'll know he'll always have you to keep him in check."

Chance rolled his eyes. "And what about you? Seems Emma has been doing that."

Camille chimed in. "Yeah, maybe you should put a ring on her finger."

"Oh no." I nervously laughed. "I don't know about that just yet."

Alex placed his hand on my thigh and my nerves eased. Of course I wanted to spend forever with him, and we'd talked enough to know that he felt the same, but that was a big step, and we hadn't even been together long. We planned on focusing on living together and seeing how that went before anything else.

"So, when's the big day?" I asked bringing the attention back to them.

"This day next year. It's the day he asked me to be his girlfriend and the day he proposed." She smiled. "Seems fitting to be the day we get married, too."

"Aw, that's so sweet," Aria piped up and I agreed.

"So, Emma," Camille said as she turned her full attention to me. "I wanted to ask if you would be my maid of honor."

"Really? Me?" I was shocked. We hadn't known each other that long it didn't seem. I felt like there could be someone else to have that honor.

"Of course. I know we haven't known each other for years, but you being my maid of honor just feels right. I thought long and hard about who to ask and every time no one else but you came to my mind."

"Then I would be honored to be your maid of honor," I exclaimed.

"Alex, I was hoping you would be my best man," Chance said to him.

"Of course, man. I'd be glad to," he replied.

That seemed like a given. They've been friends a long time, now, and I've never really seen either of them hang out with anyone else but each other.

Later that night Alex and I were laying in bed. "I can't believe they're getting married." I smiled.

"I know. It's pretty awesome," he said as he pulled me into his chest. "I couldn't help but notice how nervous you got when they brought us up, though."

I turned my head to look up at him. "It's not that I don't want to, but we haven't been together that long."

"I know." He kissed my forehead. "But just know that it will happen one day," he said confidently.

"Oh, you think so?" I laughed.

"I know so." He wrapped his arms tighter around me. "I want nothing more than to one day call you my wife."

"Emma Evans. Hm," I thought about it for a moment. "I like the sound of that."


Sorry if this wasn't the ending some of you were hoping for, and were hoping more would come from it, lol.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed!

Also, I just want to thank everyone who has read this story! Originally this was supposed to end after the first chapter, but I wanted to give Emma and Alex a story. I hope you all have enjoyed reading At My Door!

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