Chapter Seven

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Walking to the bar and grille felt different than normal. Last night had been such a mess that it was all I could replay in my head the whole way. I had only been to the bar and grille a few times but each time it was just a place to hang out and have fun, but now it felt, well, just different.

As I walked into the building I pushed the thoughts from my head wanting to enjoy the night with friends, even trying to avoid looking at the spot where Alex laid that guy flat out on the floor.

Camille and the guys were sitting at the usual table, with Camille waving her hand frantically in the air as if trying to make sure I noticed them. I headed over to the table and sat down. "Hey, guys," I said.

"You made it!" Camille said enthusiastically.

"I told you I would come," I told her. I was still so tired, the two hour nap helping but still not what I wanted or needed, but like I said, I told her I would come so I did.

Alex still looked just as tired as he did this morning, but I guess I was to blame for that, but just because I called him didn't mean he had to show up. Right? I mean, he could be partly to blame for his own tiredness, not just me. It was easy to tell just how tired he was because he wasn't his normal talkative; normal flirty, self.

"Oh, there's Jax," Camille said looking straight ahead with a smile.

I followed her gaze to see Jax making his way over to our table, a pool stick in his hand and a beer in the other. "Emma, I could use a partner," he said to me.

"Sure," I told him as I got to my feet and followed him off to the pool tables.

I took the pool stick from Jenny that she had handed out in my direction and watched as Todd took his turn to break. He missed getting any into the pockets so it was Jax's turn, which being as good as he is sunk three in before missing. It came back around to me, all that was left was the 8 ball. I was nervous, to say the least. Jax and I had done so well last time, but he was the one to take the winning shot, now it was up to me. I studied the table looking for the perfect, and easiest, shot, before using my pool stick to point to a pocket saying, "8 ball, that pocket." I took a deep breath, quietly so they couldn't sense my nerves, which was silly because it was just a game, but it did involve money, so I wanted to win. I took the shot watching it roll across the table in what felt like the slowest motion I'd ever seen, and then it fell right in.

I couldn't believe I had done it, even I wasn't confident enough in myself, but the excitement I felt was enough to push all of that away. I felt arms wrap around me and then my feet lift off the ground as the room spun around. "You did it," Jax cheered, then came to a stop and set me back on the ground.

My smile was from ear to ear, I knew it had to be. "We did it," I told him.

"Here you go," Todd said less than pleased as he handed over the cash. "I'm done playing against you two. My wallet hurts."

I went back to the table shoving my winnings in my pocket. "I saw the little celebration between you and my brother," Camille said eyeing me.

"That's all it was," I reassured her.

She threw her hands up. "I didn't say anything."

I glanced over at Alex who was sitting in front of me. His eyes were focused on me but he didn't say a word. "Well, I have to pee," I told them and then made my way to the bathrooms.

They were down a little hallway, not too long but enough to give some form of privacy from the openness of the bar and grille area. After doing my business I walked back out into the empty hallway. It wasn't until halfway down the hall that I was stopped in my tracks.

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