Chapter Ten

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Work seemed to drag on forever, maybe it was because of the party I was a little excited for. It was something different than the usual routine of my life since moving here. Not only that but I really liked Jenny. She was super sweet and fun to hang around. She had such a laid back attitude and always made you feel comfortable to be around.

The party wasn't until ten and it was just around eight. Camille had been over at my apartment since after work hanging out. Chance and Alex were off doing whatever it is they do together, while we decided on having some girl time.

"I'm so excited for tonight." Camille beamed. "It's going to be so much fun!"

We had different kinds of snacks laid out on the kitchen table as we sat applying our makeup. Just sitting there brought me back to yesterday, every moment flooding my mind. I peaked over my compact mirror to Camille sitting oblivious to the events of yesterday, yet still annoyed with her that she interrupted, but I didn't want to tell her.

I wasn't sure what she would think or say. She's known Alex a lot longer than me, she knew him better than I did. She was well aware of his 'hit it and quit it' lifestyle.

When we made it down to the lake the place was already packed with people. I felt a little out of place, only knowing a handful of people there, but I decided to make the best of it anyway. The four of us were making our way towards the crowd, Camille and Chance in front, and Alex and I walking in back.

I felt Alex's hand touch the small of my back as he leaned down to whisper in my ear, "you know, we could just leave. No one would notice."

I lightly hit his arm. "We were invited. That would be rude."

He just shrugged as his arm fell back to his side.

Jax was standing with a group of his friends, Camille noticing him first and heading right for him as we simply followed along. He was in the middle of a beer pong game but she interrupted for a split second to give him a hug, then stepped back allowing them to finish the game.

Jax was sinking them in the cups fairly easily. "He thinks he's so good," Alex muttered.

I stared up at him. "Be nice."

"I am." He ran his fingers lightly up and down my back. "But I still think no one would notice if we just ditched the party."

"Why do you want to leave so bad?"

"To be alone with you. Why else?" He smiled.

I tried to hide the smile creeping up on my lips, but I knew it was no use. "Well, that can happen later. Right now we're being nice friends."

He let out a long, annoyed, sigh. "Fine."

The game ended with Jax and his partner winning. "Emma, hey," he said, finally, noticing me.

"Hey," I said.

"Do you guys want to play?" he asked.

"Guys against girls," Camille yelled out grabbing me by the arm and pulling me over to the table.

"You can be on Jax's team," Alex said to Chance.

Chance shook his head. "No, it's okay. You go for it."

I watched as Alex made his way over to the table, his body looked a little tense as he stood next to Jax, barely wanting to acknowledge he was even there. He kept his focus across the table at me, which made me feel a tad tense, as well, and nervous.

Chance stood nearby and watched us play. I had only played the game a few times but was never very good at it but I could get a few shots now and then.

At My DoorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora