Chapter Nine

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The next day at work was slow. Camille and I spent the first hour talking about her night with Chance, to which I listened, though I already knew some of what went on because well you know, thin walls and all.

"So what did you do last night?" she asked.

"What? Nothing. Why would you ask that?" the words spewed from my mouth.

She turned to me taken back and studied me. I could feel my face flush and I turned around fumbling with the cups behind me.

"What was that?" she spoke the words slowly each word spoken clearly.

"What was what?" I asked never turning around.

"What was everything that just happened in the last five seconds?" When I didn't answer she grabbed my arm and spun me around. "Emma Taylor, what is going on?"

I gave an innocent smile. "What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean." Her voice was stern.

I looked past her. "Oh, that table needs me." I slipped past her and walked as fast I could away from her.

After taking their order I made my way back up to the counter looking down at my shirt that had freshly spilled coffee on it. "Look what just happened," I told Camille holding my shirt out at the hem for her to see.

She ignored me instead asking, "so are you going to tell me what that was about, yet?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said letting go of my shirt and looking up. Then I met the eyes of Alex looking straight at me as if he was waiting for my answer, as well. "What are you doing here?"

"Am I not allowed?"

"Shouldn't you be working?" I grabbed a towel and tried to wipe my shirt clean, knowing full well it would never work, but it was a distraction from looking at either of them.

"Since when do I work on a Saturday?"

"I don't know." I scrubbed harder. "Maybe you should start."

"Emma," Camille's voice was loud startling me.

I dropped the towel to the floor. "Hm?" I bent down and picked it up. "I think the floor needs swept," I said as I stood back straight and then started to walk off.

"What is up with you today?" Camille yelled but I ignored her as I stepped into the kitchen.

I couldn't begin to describe how I felt when work ended. After I had went into the kitchen Alex was gone when I came back out, thankfully, but Camille was still there. She never again questioned me but I could feel her stare on me every so often.

I had stopped at the ice cream shop to get a chocolate milkshake before heading home. It felt like everyone, everywhere, was staring at me.

The relief that rushed through me when I made it to my apartment building eased my mind, but it didn't last long when I made it up the stairs and saw Alex standing at my door. His back was to the wall, arms crossed, and one foot propped up against the wall.

"What are you doing here?" I rummaged around in my purse for my key. Why was today being so difficult?

"Waiting on you," he said.

"Why?" I slid the key in and unlocked the door pushing it open. I heard the door shut and then his footsteps close behind.

"Why not?"

"We just saw-" I began as I turned around to face him only for him to be inches from me, "each other."

"Is that a problem?" he asked.

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