Chapter Five - Part One

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I hated to admit that I couldn't stop thinking about when Alex was standing so close to me, or how his fingers lingered at my heart. Most of all I couldn't stop thinking about how it made me feel. It was like a shock of electricity when he touched me. It had been two days since then and that's the worst part of it all, I was still thinking about it after two whole days.

It was around noon. Wednesdays I had off work but I had picked up the morning shift for someone else who was out of town. There were two reasons I offered to take her shift; to be nice and to find something to distract myself.

"Hey, Emma," Jax began as he came out from the back. "Can you wash some dishes? I hate to ask but Frank just cut his hand on one of the knives and I need to run him to the hospital."

"Sure. Is it that bad?"

Jax's face turned a shade lighter. "It's pretty bad," he said before rushing back through the door.

I headed for the back. With Jax and Frank being gone that left only me and the new girl he hired just this morning, Dana. She was just sixteen and when I told her she would be running the front by herself for a little while she panicked.

I began washing the dishes that were already in the sink. Maybe I could wash away the thoughts of Alex and his touch. I hated that he was etched into my mind. He was sweet to me, but he was a flirt, and being a flirt with everyone was something I was never interested in.

"Emma, can you please help?" Dana said as she popped her head into the kitchen.

"Yeah, sure," I told her. I grabbed a towel and dried my hands before walking out into the shop. There were three tables in need of assistance as well as the front counter. "Why don't you get the table over in the corner and I'll finish up at the counter real fast."

"Okay," she said smiling as she walked away. Just hearing me say that seemed to help ease her nerves a bit.

I couldn't blame her. On my first day I was nervous, as well. I'm not sure it showed as much as hers but I still felt it. It can be a fast paced environment and if it's your first time stepping into it, it can become a tad overwhelming.

"Hey, Emma," I heard Camille's voice. I turned around from attempting to fix the coffee machine that just went on the fritz.

"Oh, hey," I told her tired and gave out.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

I let out a long breath. "It's been just me and Dana for the last two hours, and somehow has managed to be the busiest day. I have her in the back washing dishes because we're running out, while I'm trying to fix this damn machine."

"Why didn't you call me? I would have rushed right over to help," she said as she came around the counter and started working on the machine. "Where is Jax?"

"Frank cut his hand and he took him to the hospital."

She gasped. "What? Is he okay?"

"I don't know. Haven't heard anything."

"There, it should be working, now." She ran the machine to check. "Sometimes it just breaks for no reason. I've told Jax to get a new one, but this was his first machine. He's weird like that."

I laughed. "It's a great machine when it works."

She laughed. "Well, you're not wrong there."

"Where's Chance?"

She leaned against the counter. "Taking a nap. I asked him to go out tonight and he was tired so he decided to take a nap and get well rested." She rolled her eyes.

I laughed. "Well, at least he wants enough energy to enjoy the night with you."

"I guess so," she said.

The next hour and a half Camille stayed to help out Dana and me. The rush of customers had died down quite a bit but it was still nice to have someone else. At times it felt like it was just me trying to run the whole place because Dana was still trying to get her footing though, she was a big help. All the dishes were stacked back up and ready to go.

Jax had arrived back and Frank needed ten stitches. Jax was back at work but he still seemed to be lacking a bit of color and never wanted to talk about Frank, even his name being brought up made Jax woozy.

Around eight I headed home. I was exhausted from the long day, part of me wishing I hadn't agreed to take the shift but at least the bustling of the day distracted me from all thoughts of Alex.

I jumped into the shower and jumped out soon after. Jax had invited me to the bar and grille as a thank you for stepping up and taking charge at work. I was still so tired, but him and I had formed a pretty good friendship from working together, and we got along great, so I decided to go out and have fun.

Camille and Chance would be on their dinner and a movie date. I kind of wished they would be coming with us because Jax and I have never hung out alone before, but I figured with how well we got along it wouldn't be too bad, but there's always that tiny sliver of nervousness in the pit of your stomach from hanging out with someone for the first time.

When I first arrived at the bar and grille it was a little passed nine. Jax was to meet me at nine-thirty but I was hungry so I went early to grab a bite to eat, first.

I walked up to the counter towards the end of the bar. I spotted Alex at the other end tending to customers. I knew he would be working tonight, just one other reason I was iffy on whether or not to come.

I wasn't sure if he would see me or not, with him being so busy talking to some redhead whose smile stretched so far I thought the sides of her mouth might tear, but then he did see me. All because the waiter who took my order was too lazy to bring it over to me so he handed it to Alex and pointed at me.

We caught each others stare before he started heading my way. "This yours?" he asked.

"Yeah, thanks," I told him as he placed the basket in front of me.

I thought he would walk back off to the redhead who was now staring in my direction looking rather annoyed with me, but he stayed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me as he leaned against the counter.

"Am I not allowed to come here?"

"I don't know. You're alone. Thought maybe you came to see me." He stole a fry and shoved it in his mouth. "Finish our conversation from the other night. I haven't seen you since then."

"That conversation is finished," I told him swatting his hand away when he tried to reach for more of my fries. "And I'm here because Jax invited me."

He ignored the fries at that point and seemed to focus more on me. "You two have something going on?"

"Why? Would it bother you if we did?"

He cocked his head staring intensely at me. "What makes you think it bothers me?"

"Then why are you asking about Jax, yet again?"

He shrugged. "Just asking." He looked over my shoulder. "There he is now. Have fun."

I turned around and noticed Jax walking in with two other people, then looked back at Alex. "Right. See you later."

I jumped to my feet from the tall stool and headed towards Jax at the other end of the place. I turned around once to look at Alex who was still watching me.


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