Chapter Fifteen

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Spending time with my family was much needed and even though I thought about Alex quite often I did find times where he didn't come to mind at all and I was able to just enjoy my time not worrying about my problems.

Before leaving Mark had encouraged me, once more, to give Alex a chance to explain himself, but not forgetting to say he would still kick his ass if I needed him to.

It was Wednesday. I arrived back home late Monday night but didn't tell anyone. I felt bad about not telling Camille, but I still wanted time to myself, and I was afraid that if she knew I was home it wouldn't be long before Alex found out.

The wall had been patched up and painted over. You never would have known there had been a hole in it at one point if you hadn't seen it yourself. I wondered if management ever found out that Alex had done it, and if so if he had to pay to have it fixed.

When I had gotten back there was a note taped to my door, my name written on it.

I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me. I miss you.

I was going to leave you flowers but I didn't know when you would be home.

- Alex

I managed to go undetected the whole time back until Wednesday night. That was when I was meant to arrive back and so Camille knew I would be home.

It hadn't been long after I stepped foot back into my apartment after a secret run to the grocery store, that I received a text from Camille.

I know you're back home! At the bar and grille tonight. Can't wait to see you! XO

I stared long and hard at the text debating whether or not to head down there. I knew Alex would be working and didn't know if it would be the best idea to go, even if I did miss seeing him. Not only that, but I wanted to see Camille, as well, even Chance.

Even though Chance still blamed himself for things between Alex and I ending. I think he understood, now, where I was coming from when ending things with Alex, but a part of him still felt responsible, that maybe if he hadn't of said anything Alex would have been honest with me and we would have worked through it instead of finding out the way I did and being angry at Alex for keeping it from me and having to find out from his best friend. I didn't blame Chance and I never would.

I made up my mind. I was going to go to the bar and grille. Even though Alex would be there I wasn't going to let that keep me from seeing my friends, nor was I going to let it keep me from living a life instead of staying hidden away.

When I arrived outside the bar and grille Jax was just making his way up the opposite side of the street. "Emma, hey!" He pulled me into a hug. "It feels like it's been ages since seeing you."

"I know," I began as I pulled away from him. "It does feel that way. How have you been?"

We made our way inside together continuing our conversation. "I've been good," he said as we neared the table where Camille and Chance sat. "You?"

"I'm doing better. Getting away for a bit helped a lot."

"That's good," he said.

Then our conversation ended as Camille's face lit up at seeing me. "Emma! You're back!"

"Hey." I gave her a warm smile.

Then her smile faded. "I didn't mean to make you feel like you had to come down here in my text."

"I know. I wasn't going to at first, but I decided to." I glanced up at the bar. Alex was serving drinks to customers but I caught him look over. Then I looked back at the group in front of me. "I'm going to go get a drink."

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