Chapter Eleven

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The next morning I woke with a smile and felt well rested. Something about Alex calling me babe helped send me into a restful sleep.

I decided to push any thoughts of the girl from the lake out of my mind. If she was anything to him he wouldn't have called me babe and wouldn't have stuck around long enough last night to make sure I wasn't made at him.

I slipped out of bed and put on some music on my phone, laying it on the kitchen counter while I made a cup of coffee and buttered up a bagel.

It was Monday so I had the day off from work. I didn't know what to do with my time. Camille worked so maybe I could drop in and see her like she had for me before.

As I stood around thinking of what to do while enjoying my warm coffee and finishing off the last of my bagel there was a knock on my door.

I opened it, Alex dancing his way into my apartment as I stood there watching him. My face was scrunched up trying to figure out just what he was doing but I smiled watching him. "You're so weird," I told him through my laughter.

He stopped dancing and wrapped his arms around me. "I still know how to turn you on, though."

I pulled away from him looking up at him with my eyebrows raised. "A little cocky, are we?"

He smiled before grabbing my phone and turning off the music. "Thanks for ignoring my text and call."

"Oh, I didn't hear my phone. Sorry," I apologized.

"I'll forgive you this time," he said.

I took a sip then set my cup down. "So, what are you doing here?"

"I have work later, so I thought I would come see you, now."

"Well, aren't you sweet."

He shrugged. "I try. So what do you plan on doing tonight?"

"I don't know. Maybe see if Camille wants to do something."

He nodded. "That's cool."

"I was thinking about going to see her at work soon, actually," I told him thinking nothing of it, but the way he said "oh" and the look on his face was evident he didn't want me to. "You can come with me."

"Sure," he said still seeming a bit off.

I quickly changed clothes and we headed to the Coffee Press. The walk was short but full of small talk and laughter which was nice. When we made it inside and sat down at the counter Camille, finally, noticed us and she seemed a bit surprised.

"What are you two doing here?"

I shrugged. "I thought I would drop in and say hi."

"And let me guess, he invited himself?" Camille questioned as she eyed Alex.

"What is it with you? Did you just randomly start hating me or something?" he asked her causing her to laugh.

"I don't hate you, weirdo," she said.

A customer appeared at the counter. "Sorry, Jax stepped out for awhile so I'm trying to hold down the fort," she told us before bringing her attention to the woman at the counter.

As she turned away to take the customers order Alex began to rub my thigh. I gave him a questioning look, which he ignored, but when Camille began to turn back to us he pulled his hand away, but the differing looks on our faces; his which held an innocent smile, caused Camille to look between us confused yet curious, but she said nothing.

"Anyway," she began putting her attention on Alex, "Chance said he tried to get a hold of you not long ago, something about a problem at the bar and grille he had to go in early for and was hoping you would go by, too."

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