Chapter Five - Part Three

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I sent Chance to get the money from Alex's and let him go bail him out of jail. I wasn't sure if calling me was him wanting me to come get him or not, but I didn't want to. I was still so confused about what was going on. Not in the sense that I didn't know what was happening but more so that I didn't know why it was happening.

A knock sounded on my door. It was close to three in the morning, now. I answered it seeing Alex standing there. He had a cut just beside his left eyebrow. "What are you doing here?"

"When I called I was hoping it would be you to show up to get me."

'Absolutely not," I told him walking into my apartment and him following right behind me. I turned on my heels. "I mean, what was that? What is going on?" I knew my face was fifty shades of confused. "And do you always just have money lying around in case you need bailing out of jail?"

His expression mimicked mine, now, though his had a hint of annoyance. "No, Emma, I don't just have money lying around in case I need bailing out of jail." He began pacing, his hands on his hips. Then he stopped and turned to me. "I was taking up for you. It's not like Jax did anything."

"Are you serious?" I said my voice raising, "he wasn't even over there."

"Neither was I, yet I saw it."

"Well, there's other ways you could have handled it. I never asked you to beat him up for me."

"I was angry," he said matter of fact.

"I know, and you seem a little angry right now, so can you please leave?"

"What? Are you serious?"

I kept my cool. "I've seen the way you handle situations when you're angry, and right now I'm a little bit scared of you."

"You're kidding," he breathed. "I would never hurt you."

"Alex," I began but he cut me off as he said, "Emma, you're not honestly scared of me, are you?"

"Yes" - I paused, "no" - I paused again as I grabbed the top of my head holding a handful of hair, "I don't know," I let out a long breath, "I'm just so overwhelmed right now with everything."

"It's not that bad," he stated.

"It's not that bad?" I looked at him dumbfounded. "Do you want to know why I'm angry right now, Alex?" I said enunciating each word.

He looked rather frightened taking a step back, and in a way I didn't blame him. My emotions were running on high and for him to say it wasn't that bad unleashed the anger I felt. "Um, I'm not sure," he said.

"Well, I'll tell you anyway," I said pulling a dining chair out. "Why don't you sit down."

His eyes went from me to the chair then back to me, and I guess the look on my face was all he needed to know to sit, so he did, and he stared up at me.

"First, I never asked you beat anyone up for me." I placed my hands on the tabletop. "Second, you did it anyway." I walked away talking to him with my back to him. "Then, I'm a nervous wreck because Jax nor you will answer any of my calls." I faced him. "Then I'm freaking out because you're sitting behind bars."

"You were worried about me?" he asked.

"Of course I was worried." I began to pace, yet again. "And now I don't know whether or not to be pissed that you're here right now, or happy that you're here right now."

"I would prefer the latter," he said, genuinely might I add, but I wasn't in the mood.

"Is this a joke to you?"

His eyes grew wide. "What? No!"

"Alex, I just want to be alone right now, so please."

"Okay," he said. His eyes met mine and I could see the hurt in them, but I let him leave without saying another word to him.

I stared at the closed door for what felt like minutes but really just a few seconds had passed. I didn't know if he was still standing at the door wondering what had just happened like I was or if he had left, nor was I sure if I still wanted him to be standing at the door hoping I would let him back in. I fought the urge to open the door and see, instead getting into the shower and letting the warm water hit me full force as my mind replayed everything that had happened in the last few hours.

I stood there until the water ran cold, my hair and body unwashed. Stepping out I grabbed my towel and wrapped it tightly around my body before pulling my hair up into a towel of its own. I wiped the steam from the mirror and looked at myself, wondering if I did the right thing or if I was some awful person for making him leave when all he did was, in a way, protect me.

There was a knock at the door pulling me from my thoughts and the humid bathroom. "Who is it?" I asked.


I opened the door and let her in. "Let me put some clothes on real quick," I told her disappearing into my room, though I wasn't hidden in the least bit. I still wasn't sure how the exposed design of the apartment came about, but in a way I liked it. It was different.

I stepped back out. She was sitting on the couch staring off into space. "Okay," I said.

She looked at me concerned. "Are you okay?"

I shrugged. "I'm fine, I guess." I opened the refrigerator and pulled out a water. "You want one?"

She shook her head. "No thank you," she said staying quiet until I sat down beside her. "Alex is over at our place."


"He seems pretty upset. Going on about how you're scared of him?"

I was pulling at the wrapper around the bottle watching my fingers every movement. "I might have said that."

"Did you mean it?" she questioned me.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know." I didn't want to look at her. Maybe it was out of guilt for saying that to him. "You didn't see the cold look in his eyes tonight when he just stared down at that guy."

"So, maybe he shouldn't have done what he did, but he didn't do it because of you, he did it for you."

"That doesn't make it any better," I said.

"I know. All I'm saying is that he did it as a way to protect you, not hurt you. And maybe he went about it the wrong way, but that doesn't mean he would ever do that to you." She grabbed my hand and I looked at her. "He's genuinely upset right now that you would even think that."

"I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have said that to him, but tonight showed a different side to him that I've never seen before, and I don't like it."

"I know. I just want you to know that I know him, okay? You don't have to be afraid of him." She pulled me into a hug. "Also, that I'm here for you anytime you need to talk."

I smiled. "Thank you."

"Of course." She stood up. "Oh, and you need to let me know how you do that thing with scaring a guy into doing what you say. I think he might have been more scared of you then you of him." She smiled.

I laughed. That simple remark seemed to ease my whirled up emotions just a bit.

"Now, I'm going to go see if he's still pouting around the apartment," she said heading for the door.

"Okay, goodnight, Camille."

"Goodnight," she said before showing herself out.

I locked the door and headed for my room crawling into bed. The night had been long and full of crazy and all I wanted to do was get some sleep. Whether or not I would get that sleep my body so wanted was a different story because my mind wasn't ready to rest.


This is, finally, the ending of chapter five!

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