"Oh! And if it isn't the hero that saved us the last time that he visited our airspace! We still owe you a great Miyuki! Would you care to join me for dinner?" Reegal

".... Unfortunately L.G. I have business to attend to." Miyuki

"Awe that's too bad. Oh my thinking back on it now we of Arbiterra do owe you all quite a hefty amount don't we? Aiding us in battle, helping with political affairs... Even down to our beloved twin geniuses here. We Arbiters don't have surnames and you Ares granted Alissa's and Tasca's simple wish to have one by adopting them as your siblings! Such a good soul!" Reegal

"What is the meaning of your presence Lieutenant Governor?" Tasca

"Watch your mouth child!" Says a soldier suddenly snapping at Tasca.

He steps in front of Governor Reegal ready to pounce.

"The last sound I want to hear is that of an obedient lap dog." Tasca

"What was that?!" The soldier

Ares step in front of Tasca and pets her head.

"Now now let's level all this hostility." Ares

"Agreed. After all cooler heads always prevail wouldn't you agree Ace?" Reegal

".... As you say sir." The soldier now known as Ace says.

"Very good. Well I suppose I'll get right down to business then! Ares my dear boy. You are aware of the rules of our people I'm sure. We are here to conduct a full search of you and your belongings! Of course that includes your Gundam as well." Reegal

"I am very aware of the rules here in Arbiterra Lieutenant Governor. But, I was informed that those rules do not apply to me and my team." Ares

"Oh well yes but you know what they say! Better safe than sorry right? Ace here will thoroughly inspect your Gundam and we'll be on our way. Ace. Chop chop!" Reegal

"Yes sir!" Ace

"We all know that you just want to get your grubby little hands on the Ultimatum's schematic so how about we cut the crap?" Tasca

"I think it's about time someone taught you some manners!" Ace

Ace would take the first step but is a little startled by Miyuki's sudden appearance right in front of him with a sinister like smile on his face.

"Oh ho! It seems that the lap dog is feeling froggy." Miyuki

Ace quickly refocuses his gaze on Miyuki and stands his ground.

"I think that is quite enough." Says a voice that sent chills through out Reegal's body.

All heads turn in the direction that the voice came from to see that Alissa is holding up a tablet showing that the Governor of Arbiterra Fritz is currently on a video call. Reegal's security team immediately salutes.

"Oopsie. Someone's in trouble.~" Miyuki

"G-Governor Fritz! To what do we owe this pleasant-" Reegal

"Let's cut the charade Reegal. Your vendetta to make the ultimate mobile suit has become quite the nuisance. Atiko." Fritz

"Yes sir?!" Ace

"You assured me that there were no qualms between you and Tasca for being chosen as our current Gundam Meister over you. Am I to assume that you were lying to me?" Fritz

"N-No sir! I am quite contempt sir!" Ace

"I will take your word for it. You are dismissed Reegal." Fritz

"But sir the rules sta-" Reegal

"I am not one to repeat myself Lieutenant Governor." Fritz

".... Yes sir." Reegal

Reegal turns and begins to walk away. The rest of the security follows Reegal and Ace gives one last glance at Tasca before he follows the Lieutenant Governor.

"If that is how the politics are run here then I definitely need to visit more often." Lita

"Thank you for calling me Alissa." Fritz

"No no no! Thank you for taking the time to answer Governor Fritz!" Alissa

"I apologize for Reegal's and Atiko's actions my friends. I'm afraid that their views are quite different from mine." Fritz

"No need to apologize Governor. Everyone is different after all." Ares

"And there is none like that overbearing swine Reegal." Tasca

Governor Fritz laughs in reaction to Tasca's remark.

"And there is certainly none like you Tasca." Fritz

"Yup! That's my baby sister!" Alissa

"Mine too.~" Ares says as he pets Tasca.

Tasca instantly turns red.

"Well then. While you are here, I have a request that I'd like you to ask of you personally." Fritz

"Oh? Well once I make sure that he's secured Tasca and myself will head straight to you. Is that alright?" Ares

"Of course. I await your arrival." Fritz says then ends the video call.

"Alrighty! I think it's about time I get things started on the Ultimatum Gundam!" Alissa

"You deal with that. Ares and myself will head over to Governor Fritz's office once we drop off Dr Lita and this lost child over to Professor Weq." Tasca

Miyuki gets irritated right away.

"I'm getting real sick of your shit shorty!" Miyuki

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