Chapter 15/"calm down fido"

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Ivy's POV

Finally, me and peter arrive at my house. Quickly I turn the knob and open the door.

"You leave your house unlocked?" He makes the snarky remark as he walks in. Slowly I shut the door behind us.

"Trust me no one here is stupid enough to steal from me," I smirk before walking towards my room making sure to turn on the lights along my way. "Come on your drawings in here." I announce to him as I open the door to my room.

Immediately the cold breeze hits me. Whoops, guess I forgot to close my window. Glancing at my bed I see the black and white drawing. (Yes I changed it to a drawing) Peter seems to see it as he walks over and picks it up. As he inspects the paper for any tears I walk over and hit my window.

Turning back around I find peter staring at the photo.

"So what's so special about it?" I ask pulling him out of the trance.

"None of your bloody business." He growls. In response, I roll my eyes.

"Oh calm down Fido."

He tilts his head to the side and looks at me confused. Before o can process how adorable he looked my doorbell was rung.

Quickly I grab my dagger from my nightstand drawer and walk down the hall to the front door. Peter scoffs And follows.

Standing on my tiptoes I glance through the peephole. Muttering a few choice words under my breath I place the dagger in my boot before opening the door.

"Hey, bestie!" Hunter greets me and tries to pull me into a hug. Quickly I sidestep him causing him to trip over his feet before catching himself.

Theo let's put a grunt before pulling him back to his side.

"What brings you two here?" I gesture for them to come in wich they gladly do. Slowly I shut the door behind them and lead all three of them to my living room.

"Well, bestie." Hunter slings his arm around my shoulder and sends me a pleading smile.

"What did you do." I narrow my eyes at him.

"Nothing nothing. At least not yet." He mutters the last part causing me to elbow him in the stomach. He winces before continuing. "Anyone me and Theo were looking for a place to stay and turns out that granny's is all booked up so..." he drags out.

"You're not staying here." I state.

"Oh come on! You won't even know we're here. We'll be super quiet and we only need a place to stay for a few weeks until we find our own house." He sends me the puppy dog eyes.

"I-" I pause when he pouts deeper. "Fine! You can stay for a month tops!" I grunt and through his arm of my shoulder. He does a small victory dance.

"I promise you won't regret it."

"Already am." I mutter before walking towards the kitchen.

"There's an extra bedroom down the hall, s come door to the left."

The sound of recording footsteps fills my ears as hunter drags Theo to there new room.

Grabbing a pot from the cabinet I fill it with water and place it on the stove.

"What's that?"

Turning away from the gas stove I find peter leaning against the kitchen doorway with his head tilted to the side in confusion as he stares at the stove.

"It's basically a mini campfire except you don't need wood." I explain.

"No, I know what the thing does I just forgot what it's called." He states and looks at me.

"It's called a stove." Walking towards the food cabinet I pull out the noodles and pasta sauce.

"So I guess we'll be sharing a room again." He smirks before grabbing an apple fro the table.

"And why's that?" I place the thinks next to the stove and glare at him, my back leaning against the cold surface.

"Well, the hero's did leave me in your hands."

"Correction you snuck out and followed me here."

"and I don't exactly see a search party so I'm guessing that means your, my babysitter."

"Ya not gonna happen." I chuckle before throwing the noodles into the now boiling water. "There's a nice jail cell in town waiting for you."

"I'm good. I prefer lying next to you." He raises an eyebrow suggestively. Scoffing I debate throwing the pot of water at him but decide against it.

"Alright I've had enough of you." I grab my iPhone sitting on the counter and dial Emma's number. After a few rings, she picks up.

"What do you need ivy?" She asks exhaustingly.

"I need you to come  get this piper out of my house."

"Look I don't have time for this. There's a lot going on with Henry than getting the lost boys situated into foster homes and not to mention how we-"

"Ok ok, I get it geez. I'll watch the piper but only if I get something in return."

"Fine, you can see Henry as much as you like." She states.

"And why wouldn't I be able to see him before?" I grip the edge of the counter in anger.

"Because last time he was near you you hurt him. However, if you keep Pan in check I'll let you see him you just have to promise to never hurt him again."

"You're unbelievable. I would never voluntarily hurt Henry but then again all you people see me as is the mad girl who can snap at any second." I take a deep breath and release the counter. "Fine, I'll watch the piper." I say through gritted teeth and hang up.

I close my eyes and take a moment to calm myself down. When I open them I find peter standing a few feet from me smirking. He gives me the 'I told you so look' causing me to flip him off and return to cooking.


Meanwhile in golds shop...

Third-person pov

Slowly Rumplestiltskin opens the floorboard and removes the Pandora's box. Quickly using his magic to seal away the secret safe he places the box on his work desk.

Tucked away inside wrath releases small bits of her dark power luring rumple in. She knows his greed for power is much stronger than any promise he made to his 'twu Luv'. She snickers at the thought.

Each moment she's trapped in this godforsaken place her need for revenge gets strong.

And she knows just how she's going to get it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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