Chapter 12/"saving ivy."

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This chapter contains mention of abuse, attempted rape, and blood. I'll put a warning before it starts and after it ends!

The town burst with excitement as the hero's step off of hooks ship.

Regina watches from afar as everyone is hugged and welcomed back by the town. Neal slowly makes his way down the stairs carrying ivy in his arms.

The crowd quiets down at the sight of the lost boys. Wendy greets her brothers as Neal calls for an ambulance. All of them are to caught up in the moment to Pan make his way down the deck.

"Clear A path!" Dr.whales shouts to the crowd. He and two nurses come rushing through the crowd with a stretcher.

"Over here!" Neal shouts running over to them with ivy. Gently he places she's down into the stretcher.

Imediently a nurse checks her pulse.

"She barely has a pulse!" He shouts to doctor whale.

"Get her in the ambulance and get her to the hospital!" Emma yells.

"No. She doesn't need a hospital she needs magic." Gold stops them. "In order for wrath to have stayed in control for that long Ivy has to be feeling overwhelming scared. So she must have locked ivy inside her worst memories meaning she's trapped in there."

"So you're saying she's trapped in her head." Emma repeats.

"Yes. There is one way to get her out but there's only one person here who can do it."

"Who?" Henry asks.

Sighing he turns to Pan.

"No! That is not happening." Regina rushes out.

"Would you rather I let her die?"

"There has to be another way." Snow tries.

"I'm afraid There isn't."

Sighing the hero's look at each other before looking back at Ivy's worsening condition.

"Fine." Emma states. "Pan!"

He turns around and looks at the group with a bored expression.


Before she can speak again gold interrupts her.

"Let's not do this here." He gestures to the crowd surrounding them.

"Ok let's head back to your shop. Dad, hook get the lost boys situated please."

Neal and rumple grab pan by his arms and begin walking him towards the shop.

"Wait what about Theo?" Henry asks and points to the boy.

"I'll take care of him you guys go." Hunter says sadly.

"Are you sure?" Snow asks seeing the young boys guilt.

"Ya, I need to talk to him anyway. Go help ivy."

With a nod, they set off.


"So how exactly is pan going to help?" Neal questions his dad.

"It's simple. Only people who possess true dark magic can enter her worst memories and live."

"So why can't you?" Emma gesture to him. "You're the dark one."

"Yes, I am. But I have to be on the outside to make sure both spirits don't get lost forever."

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