Chapter 6/"what did I say?"

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A pounding headache woke me from my beautiful sleep. God I fuckin hate hangovers.

As I try to make my way out of bed something heavy on my stomach weighs me down. Shooting my eyes open I find that something is someone's muscular arm, and of corse it belongs to peter.

Using all my strength I kick his ass onto the floor.

"Bloody hell again?" He groans climbing back into bed. I freeze in my spot at his hot ass morning voice.

Ok not the time ivy.

"Want to explain why you had your arms wrapped around me?" I ask jumping out of bed and placing my hands on my hips. He brings his head out from the pillow and sets his face onto his palms. Finally memories of last night come back. All I remember is daring Hunter to kiss Theo. God damnit if I missed that I'm gonna be pissed. Suddenly I notice the clothes I'm in. "What the fuck? Did you change me?"

"Relax love, I used magic." He sits up and stretches his muscles. Only now I relize he's not wearing a shirt and holy mother of god. He seems to notice my staring and sends me a smirk.

"Like what you see?"

"I've seen better." Lies. I just want to run my fingers down those abs an- oh my god what am I thinking. I push down the blush threatening to come up and focus on my anger towards him.

"Would you mind explaining why you had your perverted hands all over me this morning?"

"Well if I recall correctly," He situated himself to were he's laying on his side facing me. His hand still holding his face. "Your exact words were 'don't leave me'." He finishes the last few words in a high pitched voice.

And this time I can't fight the blush.

"What else did I say?" I really hope I didn't say anything about my past.

"Oh you just kept muttering about how sexy I am and how good in bed I must be." He sends me a smirk.

"Sure I did..." I drag out my words as I walk out of the room.

I need some clothes. If I remember correctly hunter said that Neverland runs on imagination, so I just need to imagine some.

Making my way to the bathroom I close my eyes and imagine my outfit. Opening them the clothes lay on the sink in front of me. Quickly I get dressed.
(Minus the scarf)

Adding my hat and ring I quickly brush my teeth and leave the room

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Adding my hat and ring I quickly brush my teeth and leave the room. Walking outside I'm met with Hunter and a dirty blonde headed boy sword fighting. Henry sits on the side lines watching exidingly.

I take a seat in between Theo and Henry. The blond boy lays a scratch on hunters arm. Theo cringes and I can tell it's taking all his strength to not go and kill the boy who hurt his man. Before hunter can throw a punch the kid tackles him to the ground, his sword pressed against hunters neck as he lets out a low whimper before tapping out.

Insane like me (on hold)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя