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I finally arrive at the bookstore and pull open the large heavy foor and enter the warm bookstore and out of the cold Dortmund streets.

I get a smile from the woman over to the left at the register.

"Where are the fiction book?" I ask and look around because all I can see right now is autobiographs and non-fiction books.

"They're down stairs." She tells me with a big smile so I nod and go to where she point to the spiral staircase in the corner of the shop.

I walk down the staircase and be careful not to fall because it would be something I would do.

I go towards the Young Adult/Teen Fiction section first because even though I am no longer a young adult. I love reading it and I loe writing in the genre.

I also love Historical Fiction genre so I will be going over there next.

I keep my bag close to me because you never know what could happen, even in a bookstore. I pick up some books by authors I heave read and read the back to see what they're about.

One catches my eye and I read over the summary on the back.

All her life she has been told no.

Until he finally said yes.

Basically the book is about a girl who lived with her parents and was kept in like a little bubble and was told no to doing anything like a normal teenager, then she goes to college and she needs a flat mate and she finds a guy to room with a he says yes to her living with him and it's about how they fall in love.

Sounds like a typical cliche book.

I put the book back down with a scowl on my face.

How can books like this be published but whenever I went with my short stories to publishers they said they weren't good enough or capable of being a best selling book.

"It's actually quite good." A voice comes from behind me making me jump and clutch onto my bag and look up at the tall man, with jet black hair, quiffed up at the front with a slightl stubbled jawline and deep green eyes.

He's so handsome.

"What is?" I ask confused to what this handsome man is talking about.

"The book, it's actually quite good." He tells me and I look back at the book and pick it back up.

"Are you serious, because this looks really bad." I say making him laugh.

"Yeah, I'm a book critict so I had to read it and I quite actually enjoyed it." He tells me and I put the book into the small basket that you get at the enterance to the shop.

"Well you might have persuaded me to buy it." I smile up at him, with a slight flirty tone in my voice.

"Well that's good," He smiles down at me and then puts out his hand, "I'm Anton."

"I'm Magdalena." I hold out my hand and shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you Magdalena, maybe I could help you around and help you pick out some good books, it'll also help you from wasting money on rubbish books." He suggest making me smile and nod.

"That'd be nice." I then walk with him around the section.

As well as learning more about books, I learn more about Anton.

He's from Munich, but he's a Dortmund supporter so that's better and it's a plus that he's extremely handsome. He's a book critict for a newspaper in a big German paper. He loves books and football, he loves crime books and comdey books and he loves plain coffee and hates tea.

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