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I'm not the most adventurous person that you could ever meet but right now I've just done the most adventurous thing I have ever done.

I booked a ticket to go to London.

For tomorrow.

It wasn't the best decision for us two who are slightly drunk and aren't really used to being spontaneous.

"I should probably get home and start packing." Erik gets up from my bed and I nod.

"I'll phone you a taxi." I say and pick up my phone while Erik writes down everything about what is happening tomorrow. "Your taxi is ordered." I say once I'm finished on the phone.

"Okay," He smiles, "I'm really excited for tomorrow." Erik can go on this two day trip with me because he's injured his ankle so he has a week off to recover.

"Me too, I'll message my friends from University and you can meet the people that helped me survive University." I smile making Erik laugh.

"Am I going to have to bring out my extremely bad English?" He asks and I nod.

"Yep, but your English isn't too bad. So you'll be fine." I say and climb into bed and a few seconds later a car horn beeps from outside.

"I'll see you tomorrow, I love you." He kisses the top of my head and then leaves my room and as I hear the front door open, I shout,

"Bye, love you." I then get out my suitcase and start packing.

"What are you doing Magdie?" My mom asks as I'm nearing the finish of packing.

"I'm packing, Erik and I are going to London for a few days." I tell her.

"Oh really? When are you leaving?" She asks making me look up at her with a big smile.


"Tomorrow? When was this planned?"

"Like half an hour ago."

My mom asks me many questions about the trip and I give her the answers but I think secretly she's extremely happy about it.

"Well if I don't see you in the morning then I hope you and Erik have fun." She winks and then shuts my door behind her.


The plane ride to London was amazing.

I know that's strange for a plane right but Erik and I had so much fun. We joked about and literally Erik made me laugh so hard I almost peed myself.

We probably annoyed a lot of the other passengers with our loud laughter.

"This looks amazing!" Erik shouts as we near the London Eye. "And it's not busy! Let's go on it!" HE shouts and grabs my hand to drag me towards the ticket box.

"Here's some mon-" I say, digging around my purse to find money but Erik places his finger to my lips before I can finish.

"It's fine. I'll pay." He smiles making me smile uncontrollably.

"Thank you." I lean my head against his arm as we wait in the small queue.

"You do realise this doesn't stop moving." He tells me and I nod.

"You'll protect me." I joke and he nods seriously.

"I would protect you through anything Magda, don't you realise this now."

"I've always known that you would protect me Erik." I smile.

"I love you Magda." He presses a kiss to my forehead.

The Footballer's Best Friend (Erik Durm)Where stories live. Discover now