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My mom looks over at me with a massive smile.

"Stop looking at me like that!" I shout embarrassed as we sit on the couch in our jammies as I tell her about what happened like that.

"Haven't I been saying that this will happen since you both were young? I knew it was going to happen!" She shouts excitedly.

"Stop mom!" I exclaim with a big smile and fall back onto the couch. Still processing what happened last night.

Erik and I kissed last night and I still can't believe it.

I knew I liked Erik, but never knew he liked me back.

He's supposed to be my best friend.

This isn't supposed to happen.

"Stop over-thinking Magdie, stop worrying." My mother says and comes over to sit next to me and gives me a cuddle.

"I'm just a little confused." I whisper, moving in closer to her. I look up at my mom with a pout. She runs her hand over my hair and kisses the top of my head.

"Oh my little baby." She whispers back, kissing my forehead. "Don't be confused."

"But what am I going to do mom? What if this is bad for our relationship? Our friendship?" I ask, feeling like I'm going to cry.

I don't want anything to change.

I love how things are.

"Don't worry Magdie, everything is going to be perfectly fine." She whispers again and gives me another kiss on my forehead. "Now, why don't you go upstairs and finish off your book and then go to Cathy's or something?" She suggests and I nod, and leave her arms and jog up stairs and into my room.

I sit down at my computer chair and just start at where I stopped last time.

I literally only had one chapter and the epilogue left to write and then that's it.

My second book would be ready.

I finish off the second last chapter and then I go to get ready.

Searching in my closet I pick out a loose dress and a pair of small brown booties.

While I'm getting ready I phone Cathy and tell her that I'm coming over in the next half an hour or so, she agrees and says she's going to start making some pasta for us.

"Mom, I'm going to Cathy's!" I shout as I run down the stairs.

"Okay Magdie, do you need a lift?"

"Yes please." I reply and smile wide at her but she just smile in return and we walk outside and into the car.

AS we drive my mom turns on the radio and we both sing along to the music as I scroll through Instagram and look at the comments on my recent posts.

Most are about Erik obviously.

Since he has Instagram now, the comments don't come as much but people still do ask.

I don't understand what they're all talking about until I go into my tagged pictures and realise someone took a picture of Erik and I kissing at the club.

I them start to panic because they're going to assume we're dating when I don't even know what is going on with my life right now.

"Honey what's wrong?" My mom asks.

"It's just there's pictures out from last night so everyone knows we kissed last night and I kinda wanted to keep it private but I guess that's not going to happen." I sigh and run a hand through my hair.

The Footballer's Best Friend (Erik Durm)Where stories live. Discover now