The Dragon's Children

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Hansuke's P.O.V

I've always wondered where my children came from... the three of them, I have noticed that they're not like the others. They had.-- Powers, dragons living inside them. I found them three just laying near a river in Hanamura, the river trailed from the top of a mountain... The Dragon's mountain... People said that it was a myth, that the dragon was not real, but I sure believe that it was. Sometimes I could hear it calling to me, a roar like whisper of a dragon's voice, saying something like, "The children... are coming..." I did know what the Dragon meant by that until the three of them came down the river from the mountain. They were all different ages ranging from two to eight. I wondered what I should name them... So I sent a letter to the Dragon's mountain, no response. I picked them up and brought them to my house, "Honey?" There was no response. I called my wife again, "Um... Honey?" I put the kids on the bed and walked around the house, trying to look for her. I was walking through the back garden when I heard a strange noise coming from inside the house, "Honey?" I walked over to the noise. When I went inside the house, the three children were gone, I panicked. "Children!?" I heard a scream in one of the rooms, I quickly ran to the room. I could not believe my eyes when I saw a masked stranger holding my wife in his arms with a knife against her throat as well as the children tied up together, "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" I yelled at the man then he said, "Exactly what I am trying to do..." He slit her throat and laid her on the floor, "What the hell!!" I ran over to him and jumped onto him grabbing his neck and choking him. He used his knife and jabbed it into my stomach. "Such a stupid fool..." He pushes the knife deeper into my stomach, "Really... such a stupid stupid fool..." He pulls it out and places it against my neck, "Now you can die like your wife..." He was about to cut my throat until the three children started to cut through the rope and attacked the man, "What the fuc-" They stole his knife and stabbed it into his heart. I was amazed and terrified at the same time... The mysterious person gasped for air while holding the knife that was in his chest. "Tell me who you are!" I screamed at the man, "N...never..." He pushed the knife deeper inside himself killing him. I stared at him and slowly took off his mask, "B-Brother..?" I begin to slowly tear up, "How... could you?" I looked at him closely and saw a piece of paper stuffed in his pocket, I grabbed it and read it.

Dear (Name scratched out),

I would like you to go receive the children from the Dragon's Mountain, I need to experiment on them... for... some reason they are releasing this essence in the air or something like that, my chart is going off the charts. Thank you for reading this, I'll give you credits when you bring them to me.

Sincerely, (Name is distorted)

What does that person want with my childre- the Dragon's children... I picked them up and brought them to my room, sat them on the bed, and fed them. I need to keep them safe from whatever is coming after them...

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