One Year Ago

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Genji's P.O.V

I woke on the steps of the dojo in Hanamura... I felt a sharp pain in my chest and my legs. "I see you have awaken, Genji." Said a voice that I could not forget, Hanzo. I looked down to see multiple arrows inside of me. "Brother... What have I done to deserve this..." "Betraying the Shimada Clan... You left me no choice but to kill you. You're too pathetic for this Clan anyways." I heard that word... The one word that made me mad, pathetic... "I am not pathetic!" I drew my sword from its case and came charging at Hanzo. He aimed his bow and aimed it at my sword, releasing the arrow and knocking it out of my hand. Then he shot my knee, I fell to the floor with my sword by my side. "Just get it done and over with, you know I hate pain, Hanzo..." He picked up my sword and gave me three slashes, one by the arm, leg and on my back... I held in the pain, trying not to scream. "Brother... It would have not came to this if you hadn't betrayed the Shimada clan." "Hanzo... I-" Releasing another arrow into me, I fell to the floor. "You have no loyalty to talk to me, brother. As leader of the Shimada clan, I call an execution for my brother, you, tonight..." Unable to get up, Hanzo dragged me by my arms and placed me on a wall and tied me up. "Hanzo... Please-" He grabbed my neck and choked me. "I can and will kill you if you do not shut up." I sighed, letting my whole body rest.

Angela's P.O.V

I was walking along the side of a fellow friend through the park. "Hey, Angela?" "Hm?" "I would like to ask you something..." "Yeah, what is it?" "Would... You like to go on a date with me...?" I froze and looked up at her... "Scarlett... I-" I looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry, but I can't..." "Why not! We would be a perfect couple!" "I'm not saying we wouldn't... Bu-" "But what! I love you, and I can't stop loving you!" I sighed. "Scarlett, please let me talk..." "I'm sorry..." "Scarlett, I love you too but, I- I don't love you as a lover... I love you as a friend." She looked down. "I- I see..." She put her hands on face and started to cry. "Scarlett..." "Don't talk to me!" She took off running in the other direction. "Scar-Scarlett..." I walk the opposite direction then Scarlett did and sighed... "What have I done..?" I walked out of the park and went to the bar. "Hello young lady, how may I help you?" "May I have one vodka..." "Alright coming right up." I thought that if I drank... All my problems would go away. "Here you go ma'am." "Thank you." I reached out to pick up the drink but my phone wrang. "Hello?" "Angela, I need you." "Who is this?" "I'll tell you when you get to my destination." "A-alright." I went to the destination that was sent to my phone. "This is the place." I looked around and saw no one. I double checked and saw a wall full of posters, "Might as well go look at the posters while I wait..." I looked at them. "Hm... This seems interesting."

Leader of the Shimada Clan has died, cause of death is unknown. New leader is, Hanzo Shimada. Here's a message from the new leader, "Tonight we will have a gathering, a gathering for an execution for my brother, Genji Shimada."

"I wonder what he did wrong?" I waited a couple more hours for the person to arrive, and they never did. I headed to the Dojo, the view was nice... with all the cherry blossoms and beautiful roses. I kept remembering his name... Genji Shimada... Execution... Death... I thought to myself, "I will not allow this to happen." I ran into the Dojo where I saw someone hanging on a wall, I rushed over to them. "Sir? Are you alright?" I saw many scars and slashes all over his body. "H-help me..." I grabbed my knife out of my bag and started to cut the ropes. "I'm going to get you out of here." "T-thank you..." Cutting the ropes, he fell to the floor. "Alright... Are you able to walk?" "N-no..." "Okay..." I was about to pick him up but before I could someone was rushing towards me. "Hey what do you think you're doing!" He pulled out a sword and came charging after me. He reached me swing his sword and jabbing it through my arm, I was in so much pain I fell to the floor. He took the sword out of my arm and was pointing it at my chest, "Do you have any final words you would like to say?" "I do..." Genji said while grabbing his sword and slashing the man's legs cutting them off, "Never mess with me..." Still in pain I slowly got up, "Thank you, uh... Sorry what is your name?" "My name is... Genji Shimada."

Genji's P.O.V

"You don't need to thank me, I should be the one thanking you. Thank you, Angela..." She looked shocked when I said her name. "H-how do you know my name?" "Everyone knows your name, Angela Ziegler, expert combat medic..." I tried to get up but kept falling down... "Here let me help you." She reached down and picked me up. I stood up with the help of Angela, our faces met... We were very... Close to each other, I could see red forming on her cheeks. She tried to hide her eyes with her hair... Beautiful blonde hair... Beautiful sky blue eyes... We started to come closer together but, she pushed me away, "Genji... I need to get you out of here and get you fixed up." She picked me up, surprisingly strong, and brought me to her aircraft. "Next stop, Overwatch headquarters!"

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