Day Seven

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Genji's P.O.V

I actually had a nice sleep, not a normal one of course, because you know Lilithy injected me with that substance, but whatever. When I woke up I was in a bed, a comfortable one to be exact, plus it was the color pink. When I got out of bed I heard a knock on the door, "Hey Genji! You awake?" "Yeah! One sec!" I went to the door and opened it, it was Hanzo and Lilithy, "Hey guys what's up?" "You know that woman you were with when I injected you with my special stuff, in the hospital?" Oh no, I forgot about her... "Oh no!" I rushed through them so I can escape the building but I couldn't find the door. "Um... Genji it's upwards." "Oh... Um..." "Anyway hold on Genji, we need to talk. It's been a day since you have seen her, she could be anywhere by now. Why don't we all go look for her, not just you?" "Okay, that sounds like a good plan." A sharp pain affect my side of my stomach, I held it. "Genji are you okay?" "Yes... just a little pain in my stomach brother..." "When is the last time you ate?" "Uh... I haven't eaten for the time that I was a cyborg, because I don't need to I think?" "Genji, even though you have a cybernetic body that doesn't mean that you don't have some human still left inside you." I just realized that, "Alright so what shall we eat?" "Up to you brother." I thought of a place to go for food, "What is around here, I don't even know where we are." "Oh yeah... because we injected you and basically kidnapped you... so you have no clue where we are... uh..." Hanzo scratched his head. "Let me show you the way out first." He started to laugh. Lilithy and Hanzo brought me to a bookshelf and pulled a book, I didn't get to see which it was but I know it was a book, and it opened a door behind the couch of the living room. "Here we go." Hanzo walked to the opened door to make sure that there was no one around outside, then he signaled us to come.

Angela's P.O.V

"Ugh... My head..." I tried to hold my head but I could not because I was tied up in another chair."What is up with me and being tied to chairs..." "You really thought that you would have escaped..." "What are you say- Who are you." For some reason I felt a rage go through me, "What did you do to Genji! Where is he!" "This talk is about you and me, there is no need to bring Genji into this." "Who... Are... You!" "Let me introduce myself, my name is-" There was gun fire that interrupted the woman's speaking. "We'll get back to the introductions later." The room was dark, all I saw was the darkness of a figure, probably the woman's, but it slowly disappeared into the darkness. I still wondered who she was... I probably will never know to be honest. "I need to figure out how to get out of this chair..." I checked if I still had my knife, I didn't, so I started to call out Genji's name, "Genji!" I called once more, "Genji!!" There was no use so I sighed and just gave up, "There is no way of getting out of this one..." I looked down and started to cry...

Genji's P.O.V

We all walked down the street to figure out something to eat, and Hanzo started to talk to me, "Okay, so we got a Davys BBQ, a WackaWacka Burger, a Stranger with a gun pointing at us and a - wait, Get down!" The stranger shot the gun at us, whenever I want to do something fun something else bad comes up. Hanzo pulled out his bow and aimed it towards the enemy. He released the arrow and the enemy dodged it, barely, it hit his badge and it fell of. The enemy then ran away into an alleyway, I ran after him, "Get back over here!" I was chasing him until I lost sight of him around one of the corners of the alleyway. "Genji!" It was Angela's voice! "Genji!!" I followed the voice, "I'm coming Angela!" I walked closer and closer to where I heard the voice, but then the voice stopped, "Angela?" I turned the corner to see Angela tied to a chair... it looked like she was sobbing. I ran to her, "Angela... Who took you... Who hurt you..." She placed her hand on my shoulder, "Genji... I was captured by a group... Stealt-" I interrupted her, "Stealthlying..." "Y-yes... How did you know who they were..." I told her how I knew. I took out my small blade and cut the ropes from her hands, once I did she embraced me not letting me go. "I'm sorry Genji... I feel like I put you into all of this trouble..." "What do you mean you put me into this trouble, I put you into it. Was there anyone chasing you or trying to catch you before we met?" "N-no..." "Exactly, so I am the one that should be apologizing. I'm sorry Angela, this is all my fault that you're being harmed, tortured, and captured..." I started to sob through my visor. "Let me take you to the others..." "What others?" "Hanzo and Lilithy." "The two that harmed you!!" "They didn't harm me, they said that the Stealthlying group dressed up as them and harmed me well... except for Lilithy she actually injected me with that substance but it's alright." I took her to Lilithy and Hanzo, "Oh Genji there you are!" they both said, "we've been looking for you. And I see that you have your girlfriend." I looked at Angela to see that her face turned red and she tried to hide it with her hand. 'Where'd you find her?" "I found her tied to a chair in that alleyway over there." "Odd... Anyway let's have some dinner and then go home to rest. Where do you want to go Genji?" "I'm going to leave that choice up to Angela." She looked at me confused, "Uh... uh... What about WackaWacka Burger?" "Alright WackaWacka Burger it is." We walked over to the food place and grabbed something to eat.

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