Day Five

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Genji's P.O.V

I took Angela to the hospital yesterday due to the bullet wound on her stomach... Hopefully she'll be able to live. I left the building once the doctors told me to, even though I wanted to stay with her. They wouldn't let me stay by her side to aid her if she needed any help. I continued to walk along the path to get back home. When I was walking I saw something suspicious at the corner of my eye, two people in a back alley talking with each other, I listened, "Hey man, where's the Mercy? I told you to go and get her." "I ordered a professional assassin to go and get her, he should have been he a day ago?" "I wonder..." So that assassin was ordered to get Angela... I jumped from the corner and startled the men, "Hey who are you!" They both pulled out two daggers which was flaming red and black, just like the assassin's blade that Angela was attacked with. They came charging at me, I dodged their attack, "Who was that person you hired to capture and take away Mercy!" They both started laughing, "Why should we tell you?" I was speechless when they said that. I slowly drew my sword, "H-hey, we don't want any trouble!" I dashed in front of one of them with my sword to their throat, "I asked a question." My voice turned demonic. "I-I don't know man, just please don't kill me!" I moved my sword closer to their throat, burning some skin off. I other guy pulled out a pistol and aimed it at my head. I saw him at the corner of my eye, not looking at him just so he thinks I do not see him. He pulled the trigger, in an instance I deflect the bullet right back at him, but it still looked like I was holding my sword to the other man's throat. "H-How..." The man said while holding the gun shot wound with his hand. The other guy was petrified from the sight. "Please don't kill me... I'll tell you anything!" In my demonic voice I asked, "Who was the person you hired to capture Mercy!" "Man! I'm telling you I do not know!" I pushed my sword deeper into his throat. "Fine! I'll tell you, just let me go after I do!" "Agreed." "So we hired this man from a group named, Steathlying, trained assassins for the job of capturing or killing woman. Now let me go! I told you all I know, please!" I whispered, "Steathlying..." I looked away and cleanly cut his head off, "I don't let anyone try or hurt my love." I thought to myself... They probably sent someone after her right now!

Angela's P.O.V

I woke on a hospital bed, unable to move any of body. Looking up I saw a doctor treating my wound, the bullet wound. "I see you are awake Doctor." the doctor said. I just looked at him, unable to say anything I just blinked. "You are almost done with your treatment Doctor, then you will be free to go." I just watched the doctor to see if he would make any mistakes as he was trying to remove the bullet from my stomach. When removing the bullet I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, it did not feel like it was because of the bullet. I started to be able to move again after a few minutes, "Doctor please keep still, or I'll make a mistake." I tried to keep still as he continued to stitch up the wound. Right before he could finish the stitching some man came running into the room with blood all over his face, "Please! Help me!" He ran over to the Doctor and took the knife out of his hand and stabbed his chest, I screamed for help. He grabbed my mouth and said, "Don't worry child, everything will be a okay! No need to be screaming that's just rude!" His eyes twitched as he took the knife out of the Doctors chest and pointed it towards me. I just stared at the knife and then stared at him... Wondering what he was going to do. He placed the knife under my chin and raised it up, "You're going to be a fun one to play with!" He burst out laughing. I got very scared by just the way he laughed... He looked at me and came closer and closer, making me more and more nervous. All I waited for was Genji to just magically show up and save me but... he didn't, I didn't know where he was. I felt the heavy breathing across my face. He eventually started to press his lips against my cheek, "You're a tasty one." He continued to laugh, and came in for another kiss but before he could someone came running in.

Genji's P.O.V

"I need to hurry... she may be in danger, I don't want to make her wait!" I ran as fast as I could to reach the place she was at. I reached my destination and ran through the doors of the building. "Sir, you have to sign in before entering the establishment!" said the check in lady. I just continued to run down the hallway. "Sir!?!" I ignored the woman and ran around the corner. I slowed down so I could look through the doors of the rooms, after a few minutes later I couldn't find Angela until... I found that one door that was wide open with blood all over the floor, spilling through out the hallway. I ran into the room to find that there was a man pulling Angela towards him, aggressively... I felt a charge of anger coming from my feet towards my head, making me feel... weird... it was the same feeling that I had from before... rage... I unleashed my blade from its case. I pressed the sword against his neck, "Let go... of my Mercy..." "Hahaha... You really think that it would be that easy?" "Huh?" I heard a creek from behind me, "Helloooo Genjiii!" That voice sounded familiar, "Lilithy?" "Oh Genji... You actually remembered my name, how nice!" "What are you doing here, you're supposed to be in Hanamura?" "Haha... Yeah I knowww! But I wanted to see what my big bro was up to!" She came closer and injected me with something. "Lilithy! What did you injected inside me!" My vision started to blur, "L-Lilithy... Ange-" I passed out. 

Days to be Remembered! (COMPLETED!)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें