Nova's pain

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  Nova beamed up at his parents, a wide smile on his face. "Mommy!! Are you ready to go yet?? I wanna go go goooo!" the now six year old child whined, his black wings fluttering with excitement.

  His parents exchanged amused looks before Aziral hummed and scooped up his child. "You know the deal love, hide those pretty wings and we can go." He said to the child, who in return huffed, but obediently concentrated. He wrinkled his nose and after a moment of cute concentration, his wings were gone and a mostly normal toddler sat in Azrial's arms.

  Aziral hummed impressed. "Good job Nova, I'm proud. Now go bother your mother, have him help you with your shoes." He said as he sat the boy down. He laughed a bit as Nova ran squealing to Ethan. He didn't regret sending the hyper boy over to his lover. After all he had been stuck with getting the little devil dressed and ready. It was only a few moments later that Ethan emerged with Nova, who now not only wore shoes but a coat, gloves, and a hat with a cute pom pom on top.

  Aziral groaned at his smirking lover. "How do you do that so easily?!" he asked in pure amazement. He had accomplished something in less than five minutes, that took Aziral at least fifteen. Ethan laughed and Aziral couldn't be mad. "Darling, it's not that hard." he teased to the taller male.

  Nova's giggle drew the males' attention. "Dadddy, Mommy I wanna gooo! Demtree is makin cake an I wanna be back in time for it!" the smallest huffed. Ethan was amused, the baby still couldn't say 'Demetri' and he found it so cute. He then smiled lovingly as Aziral scooped up their child.

  "Well, we must be off then" he said as he booped the boys' nose. He then took Ethans hand and concentrated. Within seconds they were in an ally, between stores. The sound of christmas music playing through the small town square nearby. Soft white snowflakes fell to the ground, that was already turning white with the stuff. The proud parents walked out with Nova, letting the child take it all in. It was his first time out of the castle and around humans. The boy squirmed out of Azirals arms and dropped to the ground. He took in a big breath and giggled.

  They quickly began exploring, and Nova walked between his parents, swinging himself back and forth Suddenly the child stopped.

  "Daddy! It smells so good, what is it?" he asked his eyes wide as he looked around at all the colorfully decorated shops trying to figure out where the smell was coming from. Aziral looked at a nearby cafe. "I believe it's that little shop, want to go and get some hot cocoa?" he asked.

  "YES!!" Both Nova and Ethan squealed, in identical excitement. It made the pink haired man smile. "Like mother like son, come on loves" he said as he smiled at the two shaking his head a bit. The snow crunched underfoot, and the trio entered the shop, sighing as they felt the warm air. Aziral hummed. "You two go sit, and I'll get the cocoa." he said as he waved them away.

  Ethan nodded, and took Nova to his favorite spot in the small shop. It was some comfy chairs and a small table right by the window. The view was all the brightly lit shops, and you could see people walking around and just living their lives. He smiled lovingly as Nova sat on his knees and pressed himself against the window happily looking out and taking everything in. Every so often he'd ask a question and Ethan would answer it. His never ending curiosity was barely sated by the time Aziral returned with three cups of yummy cocoa.

  "Enough for now, sit on your bottom Nova." Aziral said sternly, but with a loving smile on his face. Ethan grabbed his cup and pulled Nova into his lap. Aziral kissed his lovers cheek as he gave Nova his cup. "Be careful it may be hot," he said as Nova took his first sip and smiled.

  "I Love it!" the boy cooed before happily drinking it, his eyes still on the people outside.

   The small family drank their coffee in peace for a few about fifteen minutes. Before a loud gunshot rang out breaking through the sounds of the busy shop. Suddenly a scream pierced through the air, followed shortly by more gunfire. Ethan gasped, his eyes filling with horror. They couldn't get out of the shop.

   "Not again, oh god help us, Aziral! Help me protect Nova!" the blue haired male screamed as the both moved under the table. They hid Nova underneath of the. The child didn't understand what was happening. He began to cry. " mommy? Daddy?" he asked whimpering as the screams grew louder. Suddenly the glass shattered and Ethan cursed. More shots rang out and both of the males groaned with pain.

   Nova whimpered as the two held onto him, he cried softly as the wailing of sirens was now mixed into all the noise he was hearing. He squeezed his eyes closed and covered his ears trying to calm himself down, he could no longer hear his parents soothing voices, and he wasn't aware of what had happened until he was suddenly picked up. He opened his eyes and looked at the unfamiliar man, and then down over his shoulder. He let out a blood curdling scream. "Mommy! Daddy! Get up! Please!" he then began screaming and crying as he was taken away from the scene. But he couldn't get the sight out of his head. The image of his parents, covered in blood and laying in glass was ingrained in his head.

  He just began sobbing as he was taken away. Time and faces blurred as the child was filled with a bunch of feelings that he didn't understand. It was late, when Demetri arrived at the police station. She picked up Nova, who immediately broke down when he saw his nanny.

  "They gone?" the boy asked

  "I'm sorry Nova..yes they're won't see them again for a long time" she murmured to the child, who promptly began sobbing again. She was unaware of the thoughts going through his head.

  'My fault..if we didn't leave...mommy and daddy would still be here...' 

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