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I threw up today, and it tasted like strawberry. The frozen ones I ate for lunch. I couldn't help but feel surprised that it was the same.

Strawberries and acid, but strawberry was the dominant flavor. The contents of my stomach were in the toilet in front of me, and I honestly could not care less. I stood and flushed, sighing as I rinsed my mouth with water. The faint taste of strawberries lingered on my tongue as I exited the room.

I told my friend I wasnt feeling well, because I wasn't. I then grabbed my bag and started walking home. I remember a time where I could eat strawberries and hold it down. After all, they have always been my favorite fruit. I loved anything strawberry flavored. I suppose I still do.

The chilly wind pulled me out of my thoughts and I walked faster. I didn't want to dwell on the past, on times where I could enjoy my favorite foods without worry or fear. My breath came in short pants, I was weak and tired. My mouth still tasted of strawberries and I stopped and gagged, spitting out watery acid on the side of the road. There wasn't anything left in me to get rid of. Only the faint taste of strawberries in my mouth. I grew tired so I sat down, and sighed.

I didn't care enough to call anyone. I looked at the bare trees, and the dry leaves blowing around. The sun was setting and it was getting dark. It was cold. I was okay, I didn't mind. My body was shivering and shaking but I only felt numb, and empty.

I wish things were how they used to be. When I could enjoy a bowl of strawberries, and not be stuck with only the taste of strawberries and acid.

I started to drift off to sleep, my body to cold, and to numb to keep me awake. But, I needed the sleep. Its been a awhile since I've just slept...and as I closed my eyes. I realized, I wasn't scared.

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