I need you

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original character, this is mature so read with caution. 

sexual themes. 

     It was amazing, mind blowing something that didn't belong in this world. When you kissed me, time froze and my heart skipped a beat. I can remember us just laying together, the only sound to be heard was our uneven breaths. Cheeks flushed and eyes slowly fluttering open to realize that we are still here, in this place. It's normal but it's not. I turn to you, desperate for the distraction you provide.

      "Please..." I whisper my voice a bit rough as I was still regaining my senses. Regaining them for you to take them away all over again.

     "Please...kiss me" I whisper needing this. I didn't want to think, or to feel. Didn't want to be in charge or in control. I wanted you to invade my thoughts, to clear my mind. To be all I thought about, all I could process was you.

     You are my distraction, my drug. All I need is you, anything from you and I'm okay. Call it an obsession, call it love. It's still here, and I can't live without you. My pants and breathless whines flow from my mouth to yours. I'm devoured by you, pushed back I fall into a pile of pillows. Oh so slowly you run a hand through my hair, before gripping tightly and tugging me against you fiercely. From there on out it's all rough. Nipping at my lips, sucking and biting at my tongue, tangling your fingers in my hair and pulling it.

     There was no time to breath, not until you turned your attention to the pale skin of my neck. I panted helplessly under you, a smile on my face as I let you do as you pleased. I played with your hair, lightly tugging the silky strands. I started to squirm as if to get away, yet ever so gently you held me still. Knowing it was only sensitivity and that I needed to be reassured. Oh how well you know me, know what I want and how my body works. I whimpered softly as his hot tongue flicked over the now sensitive skin right at the base of my neck. It was funny, how only a few touches from you had me melting and wanting more.

     Soon enough my mind is clouded, my body arching up only to be pushed back down. Everything was you, you, you, you, you. Nothing else made sense and I floated on the cloud of ecstasy you wrought from me. Even when I feel I can't take more you keep going, taking me to places I never imagined I could go. You seem to live off of the moans and whimpers that escape my lips, because you only increase your efforts to hear more. I can feel myself winding up, my nails scratch down your back as it becomes to much and I go tumbling off the cliff, my body shaking as I splinter apart under you. You follow close behind, pulling me closer as you fall apart.

     I lay lax and limp, my body sticky with sweat and I'm oh so relaxed. Yet I still don't want to move, I don't want to think. You in your tired state seem to sense my distress. Placing a gentle kiss on my lips, you steal my breath away. I relax again to you petting my hair, my eyes already slipping closed it isn't hard to rest. I cling to you, our bodies still stuck together, because I can't bare to part from you. 

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