CHAPTER 1: Jung Hoseok

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My name is Jung Hoseok, 18 years of age. I am currently studying at SOPA, School of Performing Arts Seoul. I am in major of Dancing and Rapping but I am the type of student that doesn't do school performances nor competitions; I am just a quiet boy in a corner. Even if I want to join some of the competition I can't because of my mom. My mom will always tell me that dancing is just a waste of time and that I should just study since it was more important, she was right that studying was important but dancing is not a waste of time. As much as I want to tell her that she was wrong she's my mother after all, I still give her all the respect and just agree on what she says.

On the other hand I have my dad, who supports me at what I want he doesn't oppose my dancing or rapping but of course since mom was the one to be always followed dad's support was nothing compared to mom's disapproval.

I have one friend, and when I said one I mean it. I don't talk to other students except for Sanha, Yoon Sanha the only friend I have and I consider as my best friend. Sanha is a really friendly guy, he has a lot of friends but he still continues to hang out with me. He knows about my situation since he's the only one I have to tell secrets to, gladly I can trust him very well. Sanha is good at both dancing and singing but he chooses to specialize in singing only.

About my school life, well I am not that sociable not ignorant, I just keep my bars up high. I am not the person who has a lot of supporters or bullies; I am just a normal student in school that doesn't need attention cause I am alright at what I have.

My life was indeed average but a lot close to a messy one, my mom don't supports me on what I want to do but my dad does, I only have one friend and I can't communicate very well at times. That's why when I can't take things anymore I dance my heart out, somewhere a little bit far from home, somewhere with no other people aside from me. I have this special place where I can show my real self, the side of me that no one sees not my parents or my friend, and that place was actually a abandoned building, don't think too much it's not that type of building that is very scary. It actually looks magical since in the morning the light really glisters inside the building some dust flies away but it looks more like glitters (All night by Astro? Just kidding), the lighting was just right especially at the specific spot I chosen to dance too, but I don't dance in the morning, oddly I always dance at night or when it was really dark.

When it's dark I can't see what I am doing but I know that nothing is in my way to stop me from doing my dance. When it's dark I don't have to worry if I embarrass myself because of the fact that no one is actually here but also because it's dark and no one can see me, slowly I got used to the dark and as if the dark is all where I can be true to, where I can be both happy and confident even for a short time.

People sometimes are afraid of the dark but for me it's as magical when the lights shine.

Once I was all done dancing and returned home, everything was back to normal, nothing feels magical anymore everything just felt plain and simple.

I didn't wish for anything but to be able to express my talents without someone stopping me but I know it won't happen, that's what i thought not Until God given me this girl who was similar to me, but with a different life story.


If you folks don't know who Yoon Sanha Is, Sanha is the giant maknae of Astro a famous group from Fantagio Entertainment. Sanha's position in Astro is Maknae, Vocalist and Dancer (Not specified if Main or lead) he is also good at playing the guitar and has a very flexible body, trust me he does

 Sanha's position in Astro is Maknae, Vocalist and Dancer (Not specified if Main or lead) he is also good at playing the guitar and has a very flexible body, trust me he does

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