And I've got no plans for the weekend

So shall we speak then

Keep it between friends

Though I know you'll never love me like you used to.

There maybe other people like us

You see the flicker of the clipper when they light up

Flames just create us, burns don't heal like before

You don't hold me anymore.

On cold days Coldplay's out like the band's the name

I know I can't heal things with a hand shake

You know I can't change as I began saying

You cut me wide open like landscape

Open bottles of beer but never champagne

To applaud you with the sound that my hands make.

Should I, should I?

Maybe I'll get drunk again

I'll be drunk again

I'll be drunk again

To feel a little love.

All by myself

I'm here again

All by myself

You know I'll never change

All by myself

All by myself

I'm just drunk again

I'll be drunk again

I'll be drunk again

To feel a little love'

I finished the song and took a deep breath. Singing always helped...

Someone started clapping from behind me, scaring the shit out of me. I let out a little scream and turned around.

Liam's POV.

I turned around and didn't feel Skyler's nice familiar body next to me. I stiffened and sat up quickly looking around for her.

Where could she be?

Bathroom? Maybe. Kitchen? Nahh. That's when I saw someone sitting outside. Skyler.

I silently made my way to her, careful not to wake up the others.

When I reached the glass door I slowly opened it, only to hear that angelic voice of hers. It's so beautiful.

She was singing drunk by Ed Sheeran. She's been obsessing over him ever since I showed her some of his songs last night while we talked.

When she was done I started to clap without realizing she would probably think I'm going to hurt her. She let out a small scream and turned around, fear written all over her face.

I put my hands up to show her it was just me, that I was not going hurt her. As if? I wouldn't. Not ever. I like her so much. I know I've only know her for like three weeks but that's how I feel. Not that we could ever be more than that, I bet she doesn't even like me like that. The others usually tease me, and say she does.

"God Liam! You scared the daylights out of me!" She said as she realized I wasn't going to hurt her.

"Sorry babe, but that was really good" I said as I made my way over to her. I usually get carried away and call her baby or something, but she doesn't seem to mind. I gently turned her around so we were both looking at the beautiful city. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder. I loved being like this.

"I really like you" I whispered, not taking a chance to think about it twice before saying it so I wouldn't chicken out.

She turned her head so she could see me. Our noses were touching, we were that close. I still had my arms around her.

"I like you too Liam. You have no idea how much you mean to me " She said. She feels the same way. I can't believe this. Skyler likes me too.

I couldn't even begin to describe how I felt. It's like a rush of happiness washed through me.

I felt tears burning in my eyes. I'm so happy. So impossibly happy.

Don't judge me, I'm an emotional guy.

"Babe, don't cry. What's wrong??" she asked me.

I kissed her, ever so softly and sweet. It was amazing and beautiful. Fireworks seem to explode everywhere. I felt the electric shock, and I'm pretty sure she did too. It's driving me insane. I pulled her closer to me, if that was even possible. I traced her bottom lip asking for entrance and she gladly let me in. My hands went around my waist and I stumbled back. Without breaking the kiss I sat on the bench, pulling her on my lap. She put her legs on either side of mine straddling me and in an instant her hands were around my neck. It was the best kiss I have ever had.

We broke away gasping for air. She pressed her forehead against mine and I opened my eyes to look at hers.

"Are you ok?" She asked concerned. I chuckled and nodded.

"Nothing's wrong. Everything is "I said then kissed her forehead.

"I am too" she said with a grin.

"Skyler, would you be my girlfriend?" I asked her. A rush of wind blew and I smiled at the scenario. A London starry night, on the top of a hotel, outside, with a perfect view of the Big Ben and London eye.

"Yes" She squealed and jumped in my arms. I kissed her again and she rested her head against my shoulder. After a while of silence she let out a big yawn.

I chuckled at her cuteness. "You tired princess?"

My princess.

"Mhhmm" She said and leaned on me closing her eyes. I smiled and picked her up bridal style. She also smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I went inside and quietly made my way over to where we were sleeping on the floor with a bunch of duvets and pillows and blankets. I was wearing sweats and a green jack and wills hoodie. I lay down with Skyler still in my arms, and I put some of the blankets around. She rested her head on my chest and I still hadn't let go of her waist. I never wanted to. I could now claim her mine.

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