Chapter 10 "Forgive yourself"

Start from the beginning

Peter:Yeah, everything's fine*he replied to Harry as he avoided eye contract then took a deep breath while keeping the locker door opened*

Harry:If you say so Peter, but you know that I'm here for you, you can tell me anything

Peter:Yeah I know

Harry:But now that we're talking about Danny, did you remember yesterday??

Peter:*he looked at Harry in confusion as Harry was smiling waiting for an answer*No...what happened yesterday??

Harry:Don't tell me you forgot!! Don't you remember when Danny had embarrassed you in the boys locker room and in lunch??

Peter:*he then quickly turned red then he looks away then slams his locker then started walking away from Harry*Don't remind me

Harry:*he ran behind Peter as he had a bright smile on his face*Aw you do remember!!

Peter:Harry shut up*he looked down as he was still red then notices Harry run in front of him blocking him from walking forward*

Harry:Just tell me the truth son, you like him don't you??*he asked as he placed his hands on Peter's shoulders*

Peter:First of all, I'm not your son, and second, I don't like anybody, I thought I told you that thousand of times already, and third, even if I do like him, we wouldn't get together anyway

Harry:What?? What does that even mean

Peter:It means that Danny is leaving in a year

Harry:He's leaving?? Why and to where??

Peter:He's moving back to Asia, and he only came here for some education, he'll leave in a year so what's the point of getting in a relationship now??

Harry:Just to be clear, this is if you like him right?? You don't have a crush on him??

Peter:I don't, we're friends, so obviously it won't work out

Harry:I'm sure it will*he then gotten pushed forward from behind in full force as his chest fells on Peter's as Peter grabs his arms as they were still standing up*

Sam:Jeez guys!! Get a room!!*he yelled as he was laughing and Harry and Peter were giving him a death glare*

MJ:Are you boys okay??

Harry:We're fine*he then stood still as Peter had let go of his arms*

Peter:I think I'll feel better if I give Sam a good punch in the face*he threatened as he glares at Sam*

Sam:*he crosses his arms and gives a smug smile to Peter*I'll like to see you try

Harry:*he stood in between Sam and Peter*Ok I think that's enough, so me and Peter should get going to our next class*he said as he grabs Peter's wrist then pulls him away from MJ and Sam*

Sam:They're so weird


It was then PE and everyone was at the Gym. Danny, Luke, Ava, MJ, and Harry were sitting on the bleachers as the boys, Sam, and Peter were playing basketball.

MJ:So what do we wear at your party

Danny:You don't have to go, it's not that important

Harry:Why don't you want us to go

Danny:It's full of grown ups getting drunk and doing drugs in the bathroom, and a speech from me

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