Chapter 24

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Seokjin looks to the side and raises a brow, "Yes?"

Namjoon looked down at his lap, he's probably going to think the worst of you.....well more than he already does, Namjoon thinks.

"I wanted to apologise, I was an asshole for how I treated you last time."

Seokjin smiles softly, "It's ok, you don't have to worry about it."

Namjoon decided in telling him now....

"Hyung I've been thinking, and I think that I'm-"

He got cut off by his own phone, he sighs and answers.

"Namjoon!? How are you?"

It was Hoseok, once again asking for his friend. Namjoon smiled softly and replied,

"I'm doing good Hobi, Jin hyung helped me a lot."

He blushed when he heard the teasing voice of Hoseok.

They ended the call. Namjoon looked up to Seokjin and saw he was already staring at him.

He became nervous, he wasn't ready to say his feelings but maybe.....

"You wanted to tell me something?"

Seokjin asked, he was curious.

"Well I.........This thing happened right.......and I-I came to the conclusion.........t-that I-I a-am.........B-................B-bis-sexual........"

It took him some time, but he finally said it.

Seokjin was more than shocked, his eyes where wide and looking at the ground for a moment. Was he hearing correct? Was this real? It wasn't a dream right!?

"Your kidding!?"

He just couldn't believe it, it's not like he's mad, he's just surprised.

Namjoon nodded his head and looked at his lap, again....

"I-I wasn't expecting this........I'm not mad or anything I'm just really...........I'm speechless..."

Namjoon chuckled a little but then became a mess with the next question.

"How did you find out?"


Jimin and Jungkook where sitting at a table in a coffee shop. They where waiting for Taehyung and Yoongi to show up.

They where just being that cute couple, being all into each other and laughing. They stoped for a second and looked into each other's eyes.

They where leaning in-


They looked up to see that the couple they where waiting for where siting right infront on them.

They both blushed and settled back on the chairs.

A waiter then came and asked for their orders. They each ordered and talked a bit while waiting.

"You guys look cute together."

Jimin teased and Jungkook cleared his throat in a teasing manner.

Taehyung and Yoongi both blushed, making Jimin tease them more.


Taehyung was first to complain.

Jimin laughed and put his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Ok I'll stop."

He said, and right then the waiter came back with their orders.

Each couple got into their food, sharing here and there. They once again started a small conversation.

Yoongi being Yoongi, got sleepy. He looked at Taehyung who was talking with Jimin. So, he put his head on his boyfriend's shoulder and intertwined their hands.

Taehyung smiled so hard his cheeks started to hurt. Jimin this time didn't tease he just smiled too. He was happy that his best friend was finally happy with the one he loved.

30 minutes later, they said their goodbyes and each left with their partner.

Jimin tackled Jungkook on the couch. They laughed and shared a sweet kiss. Ended the day cuddleing while watching a movie.

Taehyung kissed all of Yoongi's face making him blush. They also shared a sweet kiss and went straight to bed.

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