Chapter 14

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Hoseok stared at them for a while, waiting for them to speak up.

"W-well we just became a couple like yesterday and we-we where gonna tell you when we saw you...." Jungkook said a bit shyly, making Hoseok laugh at their cuteness.

"Y-your not mad hyung?" Jimin asked a bit worried. Hoseok's eyes shot open. "What!? Why would I be mad? I'm actually very happy, you know how long I've waited for this!?" The couple looked down shyly and smiled.

The three ended up walking towards a coffee shop and talking.


Namjoon was frist to pull back, eyes open in shock. He stood up and walked backwards. "I-I I didn't- we- this-" he said nervously.

Jin's heart broke, he knew what he was doing yet he didn't stop. He felt disappointed in himself for not stopping on time. Now that he felt the younger's lips on his he wanted more, yet he knew it was wrong.

"No I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that." He said voice cracked at the edge of breaking down right there and then, as he stood up.

"Bye Namjoon-ah" he said and left, leaving Namjoon there still shocked and even more at the fact he liked it.

He sighed and got his things together and left home, still contemplating on that kiss and how Jin's voice cracked and looked at the verge of tears, that's when he knew he fucked up.


When he got home he saw it was a mess and his girlfriend was no where to be found, once again.

He felt like leaving back to work but didn't, having hope that his girlfriend would come back soon. But she never did.

It was past 3 am and she still wasn't there. But strangely that's not what hurt him the most, for some reason it hurt more when he didn't receive his goodnight message from Jin.

He sighed for the 100th time that night and went to bed giving up on waiting on his girlfriend.


Once Jin got home he broke down into tears, he went to his room and cried himself to sleep, not wanting to do anything but sleep and never wake up.

He felt awful, that kiss....that kiss ment something to him, but he knew that it was just a simple mistake for Namjoon. And that broke his heart even more.


Poor Jinnie 😔

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