Chapter 22

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Jimin woke up in his apartment feeling warmth from behind. He shifted to his side and saw the most adorable sight ever.

He saw Jungkook sleeping, his left check pressed against the pillow, making his face look squishy.

Jimin smiled and snuggled closer to his boyfriend. They where both happy to be with each other.


Taehyung and Yoongi where in the kitchen making a mess, trying to do breakfast.

Yoongi was covered in whipped cream and Taehyung in flour. The both of them where laughing and enjoying their time together.

Taehyung falling deeper in love with Yoongi and his gummy smile, not believing he was finally his boyfriend.

Yoongi was happier than ever, he liked this, waking up next to the younger and "making" breakfast for them. It felt nice.


For the rest of the members, it was rainbow and unicorns, but for the other three it was..........well........ stressful.

After what happened with Namjoon and his ex, he texted Hoseok. Hoseok was very worried but the younger of the two never let him over. He always said he wanted to be alone.

This only worried Hoseok more because it's been 2 days since, and he hasn't heard anything about him.

Namjoon on the other hand, hadn't slept nor eaten anything. He was in a battle with himself and his feelings. He was planing on telling Seokjin how he felt, but he just didn't know how. So he stayed home, didn't want anyone seeing him, because even though he hasn't looked in the mirror, he knows he looks horrible.

Jin was a lot better, he went to the studio the day after Namjoon's breakup. He didn't know though, but he was concerned about why the younger wasn't seen anywhere.

Seokjin knows Namjoon is the type of person who over works, so he was happy but at the same time he felt a little concerned.

Now it was 3 days later, and Seokjin was in his way to dance practice. The two other couple told him they would meet there.

He was one street away when, "HYUNG!!" He turned around to the familiar voice.

"Hey Hobi" he said with a small smile. Hoseok smiled a little too, but the elder saw the concern in his face.

"What's wrong?" Jin asked and was a bit surprised with his question. "Do you maybe, know anything about Namjoon?"

This only worried Seokjin more, "uh, no I don't, why? Did something happen?"

"Hyung........Namjoon, he is going through with a tough time." Seokjin raised a brow.....he wasn't getting it, was it because of that day?

"Can I know what's happening?" Jin asked in hope of finding answers to his questions.

Meanwhile Hoseok was in a battle, he wasn't sure if he wanted to tell Jin or not. "Fuck it..." He thought.

"Hyung, Namjoon broke up with his girlfriend, and well he found out then, that she was cheating on him and was only with him because of money....."

Seokjin's eyes widened, why would anyone do that? Especially to someone as lovely and selfless like Namjoon?

But there was one question, "why did he want to break up with her in the first place?" Hoseok panicked, "shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit...."

Hoseok stayed there in shock for a minute or two, he wasn't sure what he wanted to say at this point. It wasn't his life, not feelings and he didn't want to be the one to say it.

"Feelings.......his feelings weren't the same and he didn't want to be with her. Things where different......"

Hoseok patted himself on the back, mentally.

But now Seokjin was worried as hell, was the younger ok? Was he sleeping? Eating? He had to know.....

"Haven't you visited?"

"No hyung, he won't let me...."

Seokjin sighed, "I'm going...."

Hoseok wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but it was too late as Seokjin was already on his way.


Hello people,

I'm not too sure if I want this to be long or not, so I'm not sure if next chapter will be one of the lasts....

But anyway, thank you for reading! I purple you 💜

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