Chapter 3 - Jikook

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Jimin was practicing the new choreography for the new song. The rest where either doing something else or where just taking a break.

He started from the top one more time. He was so into it that he didn't hear the door opening, until he heard a, "Hello hyung!" He stopped and turned around to see Jungkook putting his bag on the floor. "Oh, hey kookie. What are you doing here?" He asked as he stopped the song. "I just wanted to practice the song and practicing with you is better." He said as he walked over to Jimin. "Is that so? Why?" He asked a light pink shade on his. "Because that way you can help me!" He said and went to his place. Jimin smiled and started again from the top.


One hour later they decide to take a break.

"You did good kookie" Jimin said has he took a sip of water. Jungkook blushed at the compliment and said a small thank you. "H-hyung would you like to go to a c-cafe?" He asked Jimin. Jimin smile and started to pack his things. "Ofc kookie let me just take a shower. I'll meet you there ok?" Jungkook nodded and Jimin left.

Jungkook was first to get ready a was now waiting for Jimin in the cafe they agreed on. He was nervous, he wanted to finally tell Jimin his true feelings for him. He was just scared.

He sat there playing with the Hem of his shirt that he didn't realize Jimin was now sitting in front of him.

"Jungkook?" He asked worried seeing Jungkook behave this way. Jungkook looked up eyes open as he stared and Jimin. "Are you ok?" He asked Jungkook. Jungkook swallowed his nerves and smiled while nodding.


They had fun drinking coffee and talking. Smiling and laughing, Jungkook mentally being a fanboy over Jimin's smile and laugh.

Now they where heading back to the dorms, talking and Jimin almost dieing of lack of breath. They where now a street away from their dorm and Jungkook was getting nervous again, and Jimin noticed. "Jungkook what's wrong?" He asked worried. Jungkook just smiled and said nothing.

"Oh my God Jungkook don't you say nothing I know that it was nothing, you are acting weird since I got to the cafe. So don't say-" "I like you hyung" Jimin stop his tracks, Jungkook too stoped and gulped. "Y-you W-what?" He said eyes wide and looking and Jungkook straight in the eye. "I-i like you h-hyung" he repeated now looking at the ground eyes teary from fear of rejection.

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