Chapter 11

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Yoongi finished work and was getting ready to leave. He walked towards the door but saw Taehyung walking towards him, (but really towards the door but ok).

He had his head down, till he got to the door and looked up, his eyes shot open, "H-hyung!?" He asked in shock and Yoongi laughed.

"Why so surprised?" He asked with a smile. The younger just smiled shyly and shook his head, "S-sorry hyung, I just didn't expect seeing you." He said blush creeping to his checks making Yoongi's smile bigger.

"Want me to take you home?" He asked the younger. Taehyung looked up, eyes wide. "I mean if-if it doesn't cause you t-trouble." He answered shyly.

The older grabbed his hand and walked out the door, hand in hand with Taehyung.


Sorry for the short update but I'm in school right now 😂😂

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