Chapter 5

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The next day, Jin woke up to the sound of sobbing. He frowned and sat up, he rubbed his eyes and left the room to the living room. There he saw Jungkook on the couch with a mug in his hands.

His face softened at the scene. He walked over to him. Jungkook noticed and looked up, he stood up and hugged him so tight. Jin copied and hugged back just as tight. "Are you ready to talk to me?" He asked and Jungkook nodded.

After Jungkook finished he was crying again and Jin was just holding his hands. "Jungkook you know you can't run away from your problems like that right? And you didn't give Jimin a chance to speak." Jungkook slowly nodded agreeing. "You need to talk to him" Jungkook's eyes went wide. Jin just nodded and stood him up and took him to the front door. "Now go!" He said and closed the door.

I have no inspiration today right now, so um sorry for the 3 paragraph story 😂😂😂😅

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