Chapter 17

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Jungkook walked back into the living room to see that nothing changed.

He went back into the kitchen to make some lunch. While doing so he was thinking about Jimin, but to be honest when did he not?

He smiled and blushed as he remembered the past events when he called Jimin, baby.

He was finishing cooking when Taehyung walked into the kitchen. He yawned and stretched. "Kookie" he said in a raspy voice caused by sleep.

"Oh your awake hyung" Jungkook said with a smile. "I'm cooking for hyung and then I'm leaving back to my apartment" he said turning off a stove.

"Where's Jiminie?" Taehyung asked as he opened the fridge to get an apple. Jungkook froze and Taehyung looked at him confused. "Where's Jimin, Jungkook?" Jungkook gulped.

"H-he..........he went to talk to Namjoon hyung..." Taehyung's eyes widened. "He went where!!!??" He whispered yelled, as he didn't want to wake up the sleeping hyung on the couch.

"And you let him? Jungkookie you know how Jimin gets." He sighed. Jungkook looked down sadly. "I'm sorry hyung." Jungkook apologized.

Taehyung's gaze softened, "Don't worry Kookie it's fine, but I'm going to check on Namjoon." He said and went to the door. Jungkook followed behind.

"Leave a note next to Jin hyung to let him know about the food and that we all left." Taehyung said as he puts on his shoes. Jungkook nodded, "Send me a text when your done with Namjoon hyung...."

And with a wave of goodbye Taehyung too left towards the studio.


On his way to the studio he pasted by and Taehyung saw Yoongi's car parked by the studio and not in the studio's parking lot. "Weird" he thought.

Just as he said that he saw Yoongi walking out of a coffee shop, but........he looked dead, like he hadn't slept all night.

Taehyung being a good boy and a nice person, and because it was the love of his life we are talking about, he walked up to him.

"Hyung!?" He said as he reached the older. Yoongi was surprised and later when he say the familiar face he was thinking about all night, leaving him with little sleep, he felt a blush creep up to his check.

Taehyung being the oblivious boy he is thought of it something else, "Hyung, are you sick?" He asked worried and put a hand on the elders checks and forehead to see if he had a fever. This made Yoongi embarrassed so he stepped away.

"N-no I just couldn't sleep last n-night" he said mentally killing himself a thousand times for stuttering.

Taehyung pouted, "Why hyung? You know you need to sleep...." He said, his pout more noticeable. "I really have an urge to kiss him right now- WAIT WHAT!?" Yoongi thought in his head. He cleared his throat and said, "I know Tae, but I was just thinking and I couldn't sleep." He lied.

Taehyung just pouted more, he knew his hyung was hiding something, "What where you thinking about hyung?" Taehyung asked, completely forgetting Namjoon.

"M-me I-I w-was u-um" the older of the two began to stutter and become nervous. He couldn't just let him know he was thinking about him!?

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