Chapter 8

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Jin was in the studio ready to practice the new dance they have, but he needed help so he called Jimin to help him practice and to see if Jungkook did what he told him to do.

"Hello?" Jin heard Jimin's raspy morning voice. "Jimin-ah? Good morning how are you?" He asked with a smirk once he heard Jungkook's voice in the background. "I'm good hyung how about you?" He replied now more awake. "I'm good, I was wondering if you could come by the studio to help me practice?" Jin asked now smiling. "Of course hyun-Yah Jungkook!" He heard Jimin yell at Jungkook before saying he would be there in 15 minutes. They hung up and Jin chuckled at the two, hoping that they where now dating.


Jimin put the phone back on the bedside table and turned around to face his boyfriend. He smiled at the word, "Jungkookie, Jin hyung just asked for my help at the studio I need to get ready..." He said in a soft voice trying to get out of Jungkook's grip but failed when he tightened it even more. Jimin sighed, "You can come with me." Jungkook smiled and let go and they both started to get ready.


Jin was setting everything when he heard the door open,his first thoughts where, "oh they're here!" He went out to greet them but saw someone else instead.

"Namjoon!" He said and smiled walking up to him. Once he got closer he could tell that Namjoon was sad about something. "Good morning hyung." He said with a dimple smile. "Are you going to continue the song?" Jin asked as he saw Jimin and Jungkook in the background, "Yeah, are you going to practice the dance?" He asked and Jin nodded in respond. Just then the doors opened and in walked the newly couple holding hands with big smiles on their faces.

"Hello hyungs!" Jungkook was first to great both of them as Jimin waved. "Good morning, well I need to start going see you guys around." Namjoon said as he turned around to leave to his studio leaving the others behind.

Jin turned to the couple and smirked, Jimin and Jungkook shared a confused expression. "So kids, anything new to spill?" Jin asked as he eyed the two. Jungkook blushed and looked away and Jimin just smiled. "we're dating hyung." Jimin was first to spill, making Jin's smirk bigger.

"Did you uses pretection?" Jimin's eyes went big and cheecks flushed and Jungkook choked on air as Jin was dieing laughing.



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