Chapter 15

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This is the reason why she doesn't like the modern world, they're boring, not exciting at all.

She swears that she would definitely go to the cultivation world, for the next mission. She swears!!!


Now that this happened, where should she go next, Bia Han Yu wonders? How she wish this trial world, be over soon but this was just wishful thinking.

Now, she had nowhere place to go, even if she wants to go to another city, it would take a couple of days. Everything is so messed up now and what could she do in this kind of situation apart from staying inside the forest.

Ahh... seems like she had no choice; Bai Han Yu takes a deep breath.

She should sleep inside the forest tonight and depart tomorrow morning.

"System, which city is nearest to J city"

{Boss, T city is the nearest to J city but you'll have to the train}

" Didn't you said the nearest, why do i have to take the train?"

{ Boss, if you don't take the train, it'll take about 2days to arrives at T city, but if you take the train, it'll take 2hours to arrive at T city}

"oh, ok"

It was petty dark now, the sun has already gone down a half-hour ago. After what happen, Bia Han Yu doesn't have any appetite to eat foods at all. All she wants to do now is just sleep.

Bia Han Yu climbs up the tree that was taller and bigger than most of the tree in the area and sleep on the branch.

Just as her head touches the branch, Bia Han Yu immediately fell into dreamland.


When Bia Han Yu wakes up, the sun has already risen up above brightly. The first thing that comes into her mind was, ' I'm done'. She was supposed to wake up early but now, from the looks of it, it looks like it was already noon.

AHHhhhhhh * sound of frustration*

" System, what time is it?"



{Boss, it nearly 9}

" 9? Are you sure you check it right?"

{Boss, it nearly 9}

"Nearly 9 so... am i late for the train?"

{ Boss, you got 15 minutes to get to the train station}

" Ah, you should have said that from the start"

{ Said that from the start? Boss, you didn't even ask me that question}

" You said something?"

{N-no, nothing}

"Oh, I thought you said something just now"

"Ah, I'm going to be late, lets hurry!"


{ Wa-wait, wha-what just happen?}

{ How could boss do this kind of thing? I must see it wrong, something ought to be wrong with me,  I must tell this to senior brother and see if there's something wrong with me!} 

Meanwhile, Bia Han Yu has already reached the train station.

The train station was quite crowded but it wasn't that crowded so it was ok. As usual, there are people who are selling food across the train station. There is all kind of foods like buns and others etc... They all have the smell of homemade which is a very unique smell.

Looking at those made Bia Han Yu very hungry however she had no money so Bia Han Yu decided to look away and focus on the trains that are going to T city.

{ Boss, have you bought the train ticket?}

" What train ticket?"

{Ah? Boss, you don't know what's a train ticket is?}

" No!"

{ Gosh, where in the world did you lived in that you don't know what a train ticket is}

"Obviously, a place where there's no train ticket"

{ Then Boss, do you know what's a train?}

" Isn't that just a train"


{ Senior brother, I miss you so much. Wuwuwuwuwu}

" Well, isn't it the thing that can transport "

{ You knew?}

" Of course"

{Oh, that's great then}

{ Boss, you need a train ticket to ride the train so you have to buy it}

" But I have no money"

{ Boss, you can buy it in the system store}

" WHAT, You could have said that earlier"

{ Sticky boss, haven't I already told that you can buy anything in the system store with the point that you got}

" You said something"


" I want to buy 300yuan"

{ Ok, let me open the system store}

{ Here it is}

"300 yuan for 2point"

" Good price"

And so Bia Han Yu bought 300yuan from system store.

{ Boss, hurry up and go buy the train ticket or else it'll be sale off}

" Ok" Bia Han Yu hurriedly ran off and bought the train ticket to T city for 3yuan, who would have thought that it'll be so cheap.

Just as she arrived back to the place where she was before, the train to T city arrives.

'Lady and gentlemen, who are going to T city, the train will be parting in 5 minutes, please be ready' a young woman calls out.

Bia Han Yu went inside the train, not looking back. From now onward, the story will officially begin so Bia Han Yun, you better be prepared for it. And so the journey to T city begins.

( Author)

So very sorry. I know I have not been updating for about 2 months or 1 month, well i don't really remember. There's a lot of stuff that i have to do like school work so yeah i have been very busy and lazy for the past months. I will try to update as many chapters as i can as now is the holiday so please continue to support me.

Thank you for the long waited- Foxlovenovels

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