Chapter 20 Black Cosmos Stone

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Several days later, Zepar called the remaining parts of the Akuno to the throne room.

"You're failures. If you'd be good for anything, I'd already had all of the ones I need in my hands. I'm getting tired of this."

"But Your majesty-"

"Silence!" Zepar interrupted Mary. "You and Drack lost my opportunities to win! We could have used both of them; our plans worked, but you had to screw up! Not to mention that you, Cruz, gave the crystals to the enemy. You can't be serious. Do you think this is a joke?! No... You shouldn't mess with the Goddess."

She glared at Drack and Mary. "Go back in your cells before I take you there myself," she said hatefully. They shook fearfully and headed away.

Then she looked at Cruz. "You get out of my sight. I don't want to see you, traitor, again."

"I'd never expect to get off so easily," Cruz admitted.

"You aren't worth my time, believer."

"As you wish then." He walked away.

The only one who stayed in the room with Zepar was Kami with a Cosmos Stone around her neck.

"It's all up to you. There is only one dinosaur left if I'm correct. We'll use it as bait. I need you to use both of your dinosaurs and the Cosmos Stone; the stronger you'll be, the more of them will have to come and help them, revealing all the owners, their abilities and their dinosaurs to us."

"Will do, your majesty."


Reese was sitting on her bed back at home; she was released from the hospital just yesterday.

She wasn't wearing a shirt as she was applying an ointment to the wound on her belly and then to the one on her back. It still hurt so much, but the sudden cold made it a little better, however, it did nothing for her mental wounds. She's never shown any big desire to have children, but finding out that even the chance of it was taken away made her so desperate; she couldn't explain the feeling.

She put on her shirt when somebody knocked on the door. She went to open to see her mother smiling at her.

"Do you feel any better?" she asked her.

Reese didn't reply, not a shake or nod of her head, nothing. She was still silent.

"Are you going down to eat?"

Reese nodded a little, blinking slightly.

Rosie sighed in relief, smiling. "Okay. We'll wait for you." She left the room.

Reese turned away from the door, unsure if she really should go.

As Rosie walked down the stairs, she heard Zoe, Sue, and Amy talking in the living room.

"Truth or dare?" Sue asked Amy.


"Alright, girl! I dare you to kiss Zoe's cheek." Sue grinned.

Amy's face turned red. "What...?"

"Scared? If you don't want to then I'll do it."

"Sue!" Zoe glared at the brunette.

"What? Wouldn't be the first girl that kissed you," Sue reminded her.

Zoe pouted.

Amy looked at Sue, blinking.

"Don't look at me like that; it wasn't me."

"Girls, come eat," the Drakes called them.

The three got up and headed to the dining room.

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