Chapter 10 Crystal Legend

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January 2008

Everything was over.

Dinosaurs, aliens, time travelers.

Everyone was gone.

Only things left were just memories and a time machine left floating on the water. That, of course, didn't get unnoticed by the government.

From the evidence gathered by them, they summoned two specific people.

As they were standing in an office of the head of the government's department focused on suspicious events, a young man, not even thirty years old with slicked-back black hair, golden eyes and a suit, waited there as well. The door opened and brunette mayor Wada with a greenish-haired man in a black suit.

"So, Shuryo, are you finally going to tell me why you brought me here?" Wada asked with a rather hostile tone.

The man apparently named Shuryo sat down, letting everyone else standing.

"Dr. Spike Taylor, Dr. Reese Drake, I am sure you know why you were called here," he said, ignoring the mayor.

"No clue," Reese lied. She already suspected questioning about the events that started a year ago.

"Throughout the past year, we gathered information about incidents and all the evidence points towards you two being involved."

"Evidence?" Dr. Taylor wondered.

"We have footage of your son and sister with their friend on the places of the dinosaur attacks," Shuryo told them.

"That doesn't prove anything," Dr. Taylor objected, trying to lead him off the track.

Shuryo grinned. "And what about photos where they're actually taking part in city destructions?"

Neither of them reacted to that, not to let him know the truth.

Shuryo noticed it and his grin widened. "Shinori, presentation, please." "Yes, boss." The young man nodded, turning on a projector.

Several photos of dinosaur battles, each of them including one of three children with a Triceratops, Carnotaurus or Parasaurolophus by their side.

Reese kept a stone face, but Dr. Taylor looked a little nervous; they had no idea what does the man want to accomplish or what can happen to them when he finds the truth.

"Is this enough evidence?"

"Shuryo, what are you trying?" Wada asked him.

"They caused the destruction of the city. These photos aren't the only thing. The reason why we've chosen to talk to you two specifically are those space ships. They both 'targeted' the D-lab, the place you own. Anything to say to that?"

"And what are you going to get by pinning us to those events?" Dr. Taylor questioned, smashing his hands against Shuryo's desk, losing his temper, "is having us confess getting you something?"

Shuryo stood up with a mischevious smirk on his face. "My intentions are none of your business, doctor, but I can assure you that I am succeeding with getting the truth." He smirked more.

"Mr. Shuryo, please, realize the D-lab is a paleontology laboratory," Reese spoke up, keeping cool, "whoever was controlling those ships was interested only in the fossils we have. They sent out their droids to get the fossils as they did at several dig sites a few days ago, but we refused to cooperate, so they used their dinosaurs and destroyed the laboratory, fortunately, nobody was hurt. The laboratory was later recovered into its original state by one of the ships for unknown reasons. And for your other 'evidence', the kids are big fans of dinosaurs and wanted to see all battles closely; we warned them it's dangerous, but as you can expect from prepubescents, they never listen."

Dinosaur King - Remake! Out of Time and SpaceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora