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Kihyun shrieks from the earpiece.

"Where are you?!"

Jimin flinches slightly at the loud volume.

Damn Kihyun and his loudness.

"Sorry. Got involved with an asshole."
He mutters lowly as he runs up the stairs to the second floor.

He reaches the top and is greeted by a hallway filled with doors.

"I'm here. Where is he?"

Jimin asks, taking out his black face mask and putting it on to cover his face.

He quietly walks along the hallway, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious.

"I don't know. The tipper didn't say."

Jimin sighs.

How was he supposed to catch the guy if he doesn't even know where he is?

However, luck seems to be on his side because a few minutes after that, a door opens and a man walks out of the room.

And he's wearing a poker face mask.

Well, looks like God really wants me to meet him.
Jimin shakes his head at the sudden thought.

Focus, Park.

"Stop right there, Phantom."
Jimin says coldly, not wanting to pull out his gun just yet.

Guns are only used when there are no other options left.

The man stops in his tracks before turning around slowly.

They face each other for a good second, not moving a muscle.

Then Phantom suddenly faces his original direction and takes off running.

"Jimin! Did you get him?"
Kihyun asks curiously.

"He's running away!"
Jimin shouts, sprinting after him.

Damn, that guy is fast!
Jimin thinks to himself, noticing how the assassin ran with surprising agility.

"I'll tell chief to send back up"
His colleague says in a hurried tone, rustling noises filling the silver haired agent's ears.

"Yeah, you do that."

Phantom suddenly makes a sharp turn, Jimin following right behind him.

He follows the assassin, ignoring the slight burn in his legs as he runs up a flight of stairs leading to the rooftop.

Phantom bursts through the door and Jimin immediately follows him.

He stops in his tracks as he's greeted by no one except the scenery.

Jimin blinks.

What the hell? Where did he go-?

That question is answered when he feels himself being tackled to the hard ground.

Jimin grunts in surprise as Phantom pins him to the ground with one hand, the other hand firmly grasping a knife.

He's barely able to stop the knife from driving into his chest and possibly killing him on the spot, holding back his ragged breaths as he struggles to avoid the deadly weapon.

Jimin takes a deep breath and makes a sudden grab for the knife, catching Phantom off guard.

He takes it as a chance to move his legs and kicks the masked criminal in the chest with all the strength he could muster, sending him stumbling backwards.

Jimin immediately gets up and throws away the knife in his hand.

Phantom charges towards him and he's almost unable to stop him due to how fast he moved.

Thank God Jimin's a well trained agent, he's pretty sure he would've been lifeless by now if he wasn't.

Phantom throws a punch aimed at his face and Jimin immediately ducks, feeling the assassin's fist whiz past his head.

Jimin grabs his arm and moves behind him, twisting his arm and pinning it against his back.

He thinks that it's over but apparently Phantom has another idea in his mind .

Phantom slides his leg in between Jimin's and locks his ankle, causing the silver haired agent to lose his grip as he tries to regain his balance.

Jimin huffs and a sudden idea flashes through his mind.

If this works, he'll be able to unmask this Phantom and find out who he is.

As soon as Phantom charges towards him again, Jimin steels himself and puts his plan in action.

He swiftly side steps as Phantom runs past him, but it seems like Phantom predicted that because he turns around faster than he expected and lunges at him, hand grabbing his face mask and ripping it off his face.

Jimin's eyes go wide, breath catching in his throat.

He did not expect that to happen.

Phantom stiffens as they make eye contact, and Jimin immediately knows why as he looks at him properly for the first time.

Those eyes.

He recognizes those eyes.

How could he not, when he himself had admired the way those eyes practically shine with awe when they look at things they find amazing?

The same eyes that he absolutely hated seeing when they're filled with unshed tears, only because of the way his heart clenches at the sight.

The same eyes that look at him with so much love and adoration, no matter what he does.

Jimin snaps out of his trance and realizes that Phantom hasn't moved at all.

His heart rate speeds up as a million thoughts run through his head at the same time.

His actions are quicker than his thinking, and before he can stop and question himself, he's already reaching out a hand to grab at the criminal's mask.

The mask comes off with a snap, and Jimin will never forget the nerves he felt at that moment.

Nor will he ever forget the way his blood ran cold the second he comes face to face with none other than his own beloved boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook.



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