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"Taemin hyung..."

Jimin whispers, feeling his heart fill with sorrow.

"Phantom killed him?"

He and Taemin were extremely close. Taemin was the first person who greeted him when he first came here.

To know that his friend, his mentor, had died in the hands of such a ruthless criminal, is very, very upsetting for him.

Chief Kang nods gravely at the question, his eyes showing a hint of regret.

"Agent Lee wasn't supposed to hunt him down. I think he stumbled upon Phantom by accident, and he couldn't just let him go. You know how much of a righteous man he always was."

Jimin stays silent, agreeing with his chief on his words. Taemin had always been that kind of guy who tried to stand up for what was right, no matter the cost.

And now he's dead because of it.

"Before I forget to tell you, agent Park, Phantom is extremely cunning and skilled in what he does. He never leaves any traces of evidence behind after his kills. This is what makes him extremely dangerous and hard to catch."

Something about that sentence doesn't sound right..

Jimin thinks, frowning to himself.

"So, if Phantom is as skilled as you say, how did we actually manage to get a photo of him? How did we even find out his name?"

Jimin finally asks the questions running through his head.

"Phantom always has a knack for catching people's attention. He writes his name on the wrists of his victims. As for the picture..."

Chief Kang pauses, as if he's being reminded of something unpleasant as a look of pain crosses his face.

"It was there when we found Taemin's body. And he also left a white rose, which he has never done with any of his other victims before or after that."

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