
1.8K 75 2

1:30 p.m.,

XXX Cafe, Seoul, Korea.

Jimin practically barges into the cafe, eyes already analyzing his surroundings to search for a certain male with doe like eyes.

If he wasn't in a sour mood because of that damned Phantom, he surely is now.

He had promised his adorable boyfriend that they would meet up to grab some food together, which had made the younger quite happy since they both have been busy with their jobs these past few weeks.

The problem is, he's supposed to meet Jungkook for lunch at one, but he had  to discuss the details of his mission with Chief Kang first.

What a coincidence, am I right?

As if things couldn't get any more irritating, he was then held up by Dara, the newbie who everyone knows is obsessed with him despite his sexual orientation already being announced to her a hundred million times .

She knows that he's as straight as a circle, which already says a lot because everybody knows that circles are round, but she chooses to ignore it.

He swears if Dara tries to give him another ticket to see his favourite band, he'll---


Jimin snaps out of his trance and turns his head to identify the owner of the voice that he loved so much.

Jungkook waves to him from a seat next to the windows, so Jimin makes a beeline for him, ignoring all of the stares he got.

He plops down in front of the younger male with a sigh, forgetting to hide his annoyance from the latter.

The faint annoyance that was gracing the younger's features fades away as soon as he hears the older's sigh.

"Rough time at work?"
Jungkook asks lightly, as if he doesn't want to trigger the older male.

"Yeah, my boss is giving me a hard time, that's all."
Jimin tells him this without mentioning any of the detailed information to him.

He's a secret agent. Of course he has to keep his identity a secret. Even from his own boyfriend. It's a part of the rules.

And Jimin always, always, follows the rules.

Jungkook glowers unintentionally when Jimin tells him about Dara.

"That girl, why is she so determined to steal you away from me?"
Jungkook asks, not bothering to hide his irritation from the silver haired male.

He rarely spends his time with his boyfriend these days, and now there's this girl who's trying to steal his man away from him.

Oh hell no. No way is he going to let it happen that easily.

Jimin smiles lightly at that.

Jungkook gets jealous easily.

He remembers the memories where the younger would sulk and ignore him whenever he thinks that Jimin's going to be snatched away from him in the blink of an eye.

He holds Jungkook's hand and squeezes it gently, making the younger's eyes snap to his face.

Their eyes meet, and Jimin can see the love and affection he has for the other mirrored in Jungkook's eyes.

He gives the younger a fond smile and says,

"No one will ever steal me away from you, Kook."

Jungkook's eyes twinkle in the warm sunlight that's lighting up his skin beautifully, and Jimin's breath catches in his throat.

Jungkook is too ethereal for this world, he thinks to himself.

The younger squeezes Jimin's hand in return, a shy smile appearing on his face as he does so.

"I sure hope so."


Jimin sips his iced tea as his eyes train on Jungkook.

He watches him take a bite out of his chicken sandwich and decides that, right then and there, this is the man he wants to be with for the rest of his life.

Jungkook opens his mouth to take another bite but stops halfway, eyes flickering to make contact with Jimin's.

An amused smirk makes its way on Jungkook's face for a split second
and the tip of Jimin's ears turn red.

Jungkook caught him staring.

"I forgot to tell you earlier, but I have to settle some work at the office tonight. I might be back late, so don't wait up for me, okay?"
Jungkook tells him with a regretful expression on his face.

Jimin realizes that he himself hasn't mentioned about having to work late tonight.

"Ah,that's a coincidence. My boss asked me to take care of some stuff, so I'll be back home late, too. If you get home earlier than me, don't wait up for me."
Jimin watches Jungkook's face intently, trying to detect a sign of emotion, but nothing.

Jungkook raises an eyebrow at his words, clearly not expecting the information to come out of the older male's mouth, but he simply nods and takes another bite of his sandwich.

He says with his mouth full, cheeks puffing up adorably and resembling a chipmunk's.

And maybe Jimin's a little messed up in the head or something, but he finds Jungkook talking with his mouth full quite adorable.

--Edited 29/9

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