ENFP-A (Reflecting)

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The reflection of the sun on open water,
it gives a soft sense of peace to the sailor,
for in the morning it is a sweet pleasure.
Oh, what creature does not fear the night?

The reflection of light on water,
brings light to reach deep depths,
far below,
when fish swim contentedly,
and angels weep in dark agony.
Oh, where does the sun go, when dusk arrives?

The sun, which solely consumes life on earth,
and the willingness of each inhabitant simply to exist,
has before set,
and the animals of which once cried out in chaos,
silence themselves, with knowledge of its rising in the morning.
They've chosen to take solemn comfort in the risk of death,
and is this a wise, or unwise choice?

Even though we have no say on necessity of light,
we thrust undeserved faith on the sun,
and ignore that one day it may burn out,
and in exchange, we are rewarded with willing ignorance,
blissful existence in our planned,and spontaneous lives.

When the light fades,
and our willingness to exist is diminished,
like that of a used match,
the world will be too cold.
And our souls will never find warmth,
as they crawl aimlessly,
lost in the darkness they should've forseen,
but was inevitable all the same.

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