ENFP-t (Old Blue pen)

158 12 1

The love in my heart is a cancer.
A million questions and not a single answer.
Never gonna figure out this heart, what I love, what I want, or what I stand for.
It's torment loving others.
Every time I turn around, seems like I lose another.
Someone's dad, mother, sister brother.
To me they are aunts, cousins, uncles, and even lovers.
Some were lost to death, others: to time.
Others left because they were too scared to put their heart on the line.
Others ran as soon as they see any signs
Of any issues, rather than dealing with faults of mine.
I tried to be patient, I tried to be kind.
I was the one who put their heart on the line.
I'm the one who always ignored the signs
And did my best to be there for them through the toughest of times.
I guess the good guys never win.
Nice people end up alone in the end.
I can't change that, so I just take this old blue pen
And write about the things I've endured, the ones I've lost, and the places I've been.

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