INFJ-a (Untitled)

65 3 0

I have relinquished my rights.
I don't need a house.
I don't need a car.
I don't need clothes or shoes.
I'll go barefoot.
Before contracts, people would give their shoes as a business agreement and as submission or they would do it as a symbol of defeat.
I don't need money.
I don't need a man.
I don't need a bed.
I don't need a reputation!
I have taken off my shoes.
I'll go barefoot.
I'll agree, I'm submitting,I've been defeated.
I put my name on this contract of faith. Allowing the unseen reveal itself before us. Why? ...
Because everytime we layed down our hunger, some how we had food. Everytime we set aside our thirst, Water was provided. Everytime we had no shelter, we were gifted a home. Everytime we had a little bit, a lot was given.
Even if none of these things were added onto us, we would still walk barefooted with gladness. We would still agree, still submit, and still be defeated.
This ground we walk on is holy. Why not take off your shoes!?

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