Chapter thirty six - The Execution

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Harry pov   

Y/n had just left us to go down to Draco. I don't know what she sees in him but he's her friend and Hermione probably did break his nose so she might be worried.
I remember that we were told our houses would be basically our family and we aren't Y/n's only friends, I mean there was Peter, I've seen her with Cedric and of course the Weasley twins... But Draco is the opposite of all of them, he's bossy, rude and ignorant.

"What do you think Y/n sees in Draco?" Ron asks.

"I think he's a spoiled brat... but Y/n knows him best. She's probably seen more to him then we do." Hermione states.

"I know Y/n is a Slytherin, but she's starting to act like a traitor more and more." Ron hissed through his teeth.

"Y/n's not a traitor Ron... I trust her with my life." I told Ron.

Y/ns worst fear was being shunned and called a traitor, I'm not going to let Ron talk about her like that, even if he is my best friend.

"She ditched us." Ron stated.

"Even so, maybe it's going to be hard to see the hippogriff she had learned to love get killed." Hermione said making Ron look down.


"Honestly Ron, she's helped us all, treat her with some respect." I said making him rub his arm.

"Sorry... It's just she helped Black." Ron stated.

"If she did it was an accident." I said again making him look at me shocked that I'd stand up for her.

"Still." Ron said darkly.

"Enough, Hagrid is all that matters right now." Hermione said interrupting my next rebuttal to Ron.

We knock on the door and Hagrid opens he's clearly been crying; he looks defeated and broken. He lets us in and looks out the window at the creatures he loves.

"Oh, look at them... they're so peaceful... they don't know." Hagrid said chocked up.

"Can't you just set em free?" I ask.

"The ministry would known it's I that's done it. It'd get Dumbledore in trouble. He's coming down here to me ya know, he wants to be with me when they.... You know... when it happens..." Hagrid paused swallowing down tears. "Great man Dumbledore." Hagrid says changing topics.

"We'll stay with you too Hagrid." Hermione said making Hagrid shake his head.

"You'll do no such thing. I don't want you seeing something like that. No, it's best if you be off. Oh, and before you do... Ron." Hagrid goes to a cupboard and pulls out a fat rat.

"Scabbers! You're alive." Ron cries happily.

"Keep a closer eye on your pets Ron." Hagrid said. Glancing to Hermione, who Ron had blamed.

"Think that means you owe someone an apology." Hermione said sternly.

"Right, next time I see Crookshanks I'll let him know." Ron said holding Scabbers close to him.

"I meant me." There was a sudden sound of breaking pottery. Hermione sorted through it and picked up a black rock?

"Ow." I said feeling a stinging pain hit the back of my head, I turn thinking I'll see Malfoy, but I see no one, but the minister, executioner and Dumbledore all coming down to the hut.

"Hagrid!" I call out. Growing more panicked by the second.

"What is it?" He walks over and sees them coming and curses under his breath.

"That's not right it's nearly dark... you shouldn't be here." Hagrid said turning to the three of us.

"Someone sees ya and we'll all be in trouble. Especially you Harry." Hagrid scolds. There was a loud knocking at the door.

"With you in a moment." Hagrid said.

"Quick, quick, out the back." He says. Making a shooing motion.

"Hagrid it'll be fine it'll be okay." I try to tell him; he scrunches his face knowing what's about to happen but another knock at the door kicks him from the moment.

"come on, come on." He whispered making another shooing motion.

Hagrid edged me out and as soon as the three men climbing inside the boys, we al ran and his behind some pumpkins. Fudge spoke of the technicalities of it all when we heard a branch snap from behind us.

"What?" I asked Hermione who was the first to turn.

"I though I saw... never mind." Hermione said looking back towards the hut.

"Let's go." Ron said.

We ran up the stairs as quietly as we could looking down our view blocked a bit by the hill and pumpkins.

The executioner's axe went down, and Hermione held onto Ron and cried into his shoulder. I held on to her, this is too cruel.

"Huh!" Ron yelped dropping his rat.

"He bit me." Ron exclaimed.

"Scabbers." Ron said beginning to chase the rat.

"Ron. Ron!" Hermione called.

"Ron!" I shouted but he was already running. We began to chase after him.

"Scabbers come back!" Ron yelled. He was out of sight, we kept running after him, only hoping to catch up, it wasn't safe out here.

"Wait!" I yelled growing worried for him.

"Scabbers." Ron said tackling the rat to the ground and holding the fat rat carefully in his palms.

"Harry, you do realize what tree this is?" Hermione said looking up at the willow. I recognised it from my close encounter with the tree second year.

"That's not good. Ron run!" I shout making Ron look up from the rat he was scolding for giving him a good scare.

"Harry, Hermione run! It's the grim!" Ron yelled pointed behind us.

I turn and see this huge black dog; I reach for my wand but it growls and I pause. The dog leaped over me I fell to the ground to avoid it before getting back to my feet it went for Ron.

"Ahhh! Harry!!!" Ron bellowed. The dog grabbed his foot and began to drag him nearer to the whomping willow.

"Help!!" Ron cried out still holding Scabbers tight.

Ron had managed to get his foot stuck on a root in attempt to not get pulled into a hole but there was a loud crack. Ron's leg was indeed broken and Ron sunk into the darkness of the pit.

(I haven't started the next chapter yet but it may take longer because I have a lot of stuff due for school and so much to write for that chapter.)

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