Chapter fifteen - Lupin's Lessons

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Y/n pov

You had finished getting ready or the new day and saw Bay getting on her cloak.

"Alli left... she's gone to switch her classes." Bay told you with a sorry face.

"I'm guessing that mans we won't have Transfiguration together anymore." You said jokingly but you knew it was true.

"She wants no part of you... I'm sorry." Bay told you grabbing her wand.

"Okay..." you huffed holding in your emotions was best for now.

You walked out not wanting to talk much more.

You saw Fred, George, Cedric and Peter all enjoying a nice conversation in the hall and ran up to them.

"What's going on boys?" You question the group throwing your arm around Cedric who was on your right and your other arm around Peter who was on your left.

"Oh we were just talking about how Peter here got in trouble for mucking up the halls with mud." George said you looked at Peter and he smirked at you knowingly.

"Honestly mate, what were you doing outside anyway?" Fred asked.

"The rain was lovely; it was a nice view." Peter lied, you thanked him with a nod.

"So, it was for a lady." Gorge said making you smile at how red Peters face went.

"N-No..." Peter stuttered you laughed as you walked with them

"Sure mate." Fred patted Pete on the back.

"Anyway.... Cedric, I heard you made Capitan of the Quidditch team!" You changed the subject and lightly bumping into him.

"heh...That I am." Cedric said his cheeks going pink and rubbing the back od his neck.

"I'm really proud of ya, Ced." You told him with a wide grin.

"I know were friends and honestly that's all because Y/n... but.... In that pitch we're competitors." Fred said looking over at Ced.

"Deal, good luck Weasley." Ced says shaking Fred's hands.

"Also, Pete Y/n why aren't you two on the team?" George asks you two.

"I don't like heights." Peter revealed to you all.

"My house has some thing when it comes to having girls on the team. They're bound by tradition, that means I bet my friend Bay hasn't been able to get on either." You tell them.

"That's probably all Flint, next year he won't be Capitan, so you'll have a better chance."  Cedric commented, he was the oldest of us so he must've noticed Flint always going for brute strength.

"Maybe, but I'm not sure if I'll ever try out." You told the group.

"Let's cheer up today is the day we get to give in forms for Hogsmeade. It'll be your first year!" Fred says looking pumped.

"Oh... right." You said looking down.

"What's wrong Y/n?" Cedric asked.

"Oh, I don't think I can go, my parents never signed my forms..." You tell the group.

"Oh... do you want me to stay back?" Cedric offered.

"Na, enjoy your time, tell me about it won't you?" You decline his offer but knew he meant it to be kind.

"Okay..." He says unsure. You smile at him kindly.

"On another note, Ced you know al the girls on our team say you're so good looking." George Says.

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