Chapter forty - Saving Sirius

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Y/n pov

Your eyes shoot open.

"Sirius!" You cried out looking around for him you see the minister of magic, Snape, the trio and of course madam Pomfrey. You stared at the minister and stood up but immediately fell. You collected yourself. You felt your side and hissed in pain.

"Where's Sirius?" You ask standing up holding your side.

"None of your concern miss L/n." The minister said.

"He's innocent, you have to believe me, he's been framed, you have to believe me." You see Snape roll his eyes.

"Snape you said they were confunded?" Fudge asked.

"Yes." Snape said slyly.

"L/n I know everything that happened in Azkaban was traumatic but Black is not your friend." The minister said trying to calm you.

"You don't know anything about who Sirius Black is... let alone who he is to me." You spat staring at the minister dead in the eyes. You kept a strong demeanor wanting to be intimidating.

"You have to listen to her minister." Harry said.

"We saw Peter Pettigrew tonight, you have trust me." you added.

"L/n, Potter, you've been through quite the ordeal tonight, you're confused." Fudge said.

"Sirius Black is innocent." You hissed, taking a step forward to yell at him but feeling a sharp pain, you look down and see your sweater has four claw marks on the right side covered in blood around the edges of the fabric, the skin underneath was wrapped up in some gauze.

"Both of you lie back down." Madam Pomfrey said growing concerned for your rather pale state.

"NO! YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG MAN!" Harry yelled.

There was more yelling and you looked at Madam Pomfrey.

"Help..." You muttered feeling faint.

Your vision went blurry before it went black.

You gasped and looked around it was getting a tad bit lighter you looked around and saw Ron laying in bed and Hermione and Harry with Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey.

"I'd like to talk to them alone please." Dumbledore said madam Pomfrey nodded and left along with the minister and Snape. You got up and limped over to them.

"What we need is more time." Dumbledore tells Hermione.

"Oh." She said gripping  a chain around her neck.

"Now listen very carefully, Sirius is in professor Flitwick's office. Thirteenth window to the west tower. If all goes well, you may save more than one innocent life tonight. It's five minutes to midnight... three turns should do it. I will lock you in. Good luck miss granger." Dumbldore dore says before turning to leave before he opens the door he says.

"I'll lock you in."

He leaves and you see Hermione pull out a chain and wordlessly put it around Harry and you.

"I knew it!" You cried. Hermione glared at you. You noticed the hourglass this must be the time turner.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked as Hermione began to turn it.

"Harry this is a time turner, you can use it to go back in time, Hermione used this for classes, I've heard of them, never seen one though." You said having a theory not to mention you helped her prep for exams so no doubt you'd notice.

"Correct. Now stay close and do not touch this." Hermione said on the final turn.

You see blurs of colours pass you until it all stops and Hermione rushes out.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now