Chapter thirty three - Peter Pettigrew?

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Y/n pov

You noticed all the added security; doors were given pictures to make sure they wouldn't let Black inside. It had been a little while and you and Hermione talked more you began to help her with her homework she'd fall asleep on it sometimes and you help prep her note and finish homework without her noticing. She was taking so many classes this year it was insane though you had a suspicion of how, your father had mentioned something called a time turner before but you couldn't be sure as you've never seen or used one before.

You knew Harry was planning to go to Hogsmeade and you caught his arm under the cloak making him take it off and look at you.

"Harry, please just not today... I have an idea meet me here tonight, bring the map. It's all I need then you can go to sleep." You claimed. You wanted to reveal what you thought about Sirius Black being an animagus but with little evinced it seemed more rational to hunt him down.

Harry sighed and went to put his cloak back.

"Thank you." You said hugging him.

"It's only because I trust you." Harry said making you smile.


You walked out as a wolf and saw Harry in the halls with the Map and shifted back but he had jumped around quickly making you jump back.

"Crap! Don't scare me like that." You said your hand over your heart.

"Sorry.... I could see you on the map."  You ask not understanding why it would show you as an animagus.

"when you were a wolf." Harry said making you wonder is the person who made this map was too smart or too strict.

"Interesting." You said before shaking your head clear you were only here for the map.

"Anyway, I want to hunt down Black and this map may help, so can I have it?" you asked before adding. "Just for the night at least."

"If you're hunting Black, I want in." Harry said. You normally would think this was a bad idea but you weren't in a mood to fight him on this.

"Together then." You say.

If Voldemort didn't want you dead you wouldn't let Black help kill Harry. No matter what you knew he was more important that you the fight against him because he gave people hope.

"Here's Peter Pettigrew on the map." Harry said bringing you out of your thoughts.

"But Pettigrew's dead, isn't he?" You ask, but as clear as day his name was on that map.

"Well then we need to find out. If he wasn't killed by Black we can find out what happed on that night!" You exclaimed quietly.

"Lets go." Harry said with his wand in hand. You went through the halls with Harry. The paintings getting annoyed at the light.

"Harry I'll shift, see if I can smell anything." You told him, plus your vision was amazing as a wolf. You shifted and walked slightly behind Harry as you were too short to read the map. You felt Harry stop and you could see the footsteps coming closer as Harry lowered his arm holding the map you sniffed but you only smelt dried blood and dirt, a lot of dirt you heard small pitter patter of claws tapping...? You growled around in a circle but didn't hear, see or smell anything.

You shifted back. When you looked at the map Pettigrew's name was gone.

"Harry I couldn't get much." You tell him only smelling what you'd smell in a sewer which you presumed was maybe rats considering this castle was how old now?

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year ThreeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora