Chapter twenty three - Marauders Map

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Y/n pov

It was another week until the Hogsmeade trip and a new paper came out today. It was one stating about your family's new found link back to Merlin himself. After the news spread around the school you were basically worshiped in Slytherin, no one dared to insult you. Harry, the Weasleys, Peter, Ced, all of them asked questions, none asked more than Hermione. The paper explained that the L/n family's youngest daughter held the most powerful magic gene from Merlin himself. Your friends all knew you only had your older sister. But others wondered if you had a sister. You had bet it was the twins who started the rumor of you having a younger sister but you didn't care. But all the attention was taking you further away from your studies.  You knew the Hogsmeade trip was coming up and you were glad that people would be leaving. At least they'd be leaving you alone. But another part of you desperately wanted to go and experience it.

It'd take a miracle for you to go and nothing good seemed to happen to you recently.


It was the morning of the next Hogsmeade trip you had just bid your friends good bye, Alli said she'd try to bring you back some sweets, you thanked her as she wrapped her scarf around her more. Your friends left and you went to see Harry.

You were surprised when you saw the twins motioning him over so you followed.

"What are you two doing?" You asked the twins knowing Harry wasn't in the mood for their pranks.

"We came here to give Harry some of our festive cheer, we were going to find you but this is perfect." Fred stated.

"Come here." George said leading the way to a classroom beside the statute of the one-eyed witch.

Once you and Harry were led into a empty classroom and the twins made sure everything was silent they laid out a piece of old parchment on the table.

"What's this suppose to be?" Harry asked unamused.

"This is the secret to our success." George stated.

"It's a wrench giving it to you, but we decided last night that your two's needs out weight ours's." Fred told us. You know Harry looks confused but you light up.

"No way. This is it!" You asked remembering them telling you about their secret map that helped them see all secret passage ways better than filch.

"Yep." Fred said popping the p.

"Anyway, we know it by heart, we bequeath it to you. We don't really need it anyway." George said.

"And what do I need a bit of old parchment for?" Harry asks.

"A bit of old parchment!" You and Fred exclaim in unison making Harry look more confused than before.

"Explain George." Fred said you smiled looking more interested than ever.

"Well in our first year we were carefree and innocent-" You and Harry snorted and chuckled at George saying innocent. The twins you knew were never innocent.
"Well more innocent than we are now, anyway we got into a spot of bother with filch. We let off a Dungbomb in the corridor, so he started yelling at us in his office, the usual." George continued.



"But we of course couldn't help but notice a drawer in one of his filling cabinets marked Confiscated and Highly dangerous." Fred stated.

"Don't tell me-" Harry couldn't finish because of the grin that had set in on his face.

"Of course, they did." You laughed knowing the twins all too well.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now