Chapter twenty two - Friendships

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Y/n pov

The next weekend you had gotten the sling off and had a break so you decided to see your friends, you find the twins, Peter and Cedric talking far off of normal trails around the forest.

"What are you guys talking about?" You asked putting your arm around Cedric who was to your right and Fred who was on your left.

"You. And how you survived a werewolf attack." George replied.

You looked at Peter who had his head down.

"It wasn't an attack you guys it was an honest accident and I'm perfectly fine." You tell the boys letting go of the Hufflepuff and Gryffindor and pitting your hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Fine? You'll have a scar, I've just-" Peter began to argue against you but you cut him off, and you tightened your grip on his shoulder.

"Peter! Listen to me right now. I'm okay. I'm not dying, I'm not turning into a werewolf, I'm okay. And I'm so sick of you blaming yourself. I'm fine." You paused and lighten up. "Peter, I'm your friend a little scratch won't change that, Now come on, it's winter peak time for pranks and snow filled attacks."

You and the four boys planned a whole bunch of cool ways to be a nuisance. Mainly snowballs, but also making it so black ice would be everywhere and just so happen to lead into giant piles of fluffy snow. You all were having fun and you started a snowball fight.

You threw at a huge snowball at Peter.

"Oh no you didn't!" He yelled throwing one back at you. You ducked having it hit Cedric.

"Hey!" He shouted throwing some back at Peter. Soon enough you had started a full-on snowball war.

Some of Cedrics friends came out and decided to join, it was an all-out war, you all fought and laugh you got pelted in the back and face.

You though the coast was clear and came out from the pile of snow you hid behind, but you were wrong as you started getting pelted again. You laughed and smiled at Cedric who was right beside you.

"You go left I go right?" You ask him.

"Yeah." He nodded.

You both came out as the same time getting the twins and Peter smack right in the face. You and Cedric high-fived before he took snow and dumped it down the back of your sweater.

"Oi! You dirty backstabbing cheater!" You yell jumping around feeling the uncomfortable cold glob of snow run down your back.  You finally shake it out and basically hunt down Cedric.

You had him now and you pummelled him with snowballs. Soon enough the five of you were all too tired to throw snowballs and fight so you all went inside immediately hating the stinging feeling of defrosting, making your red faces and watery eyes slowly return to normal.

You all agreed to get changed so you were in something dry and comfortable and to meet int the great hall for lunch.

You went to your room and got changed into just some dry clothes. You looked at Alli's bed and saw it nearly cleared up.

You ignore it and walk out and down to the others.

"Is something on your mind Y/n?" Cedric asked.

"No..." You answer caught up in a distant thought.

"L/n, come with me." You heard your Potions Master say from behind you.

You turned around to see Snape and thought about how you were so going to be expelled. You waved goodbye to the boys and told them you'd meet up with them later... you thought if there was going to be a later.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now